Virtual Open Evening

Lourdes Secondary school will be hosting our annual Open Evening for Parents of pupils who are currently in Primary 7 on Thursday 19th November from 7pm.

The event will be a virtual experience and can be accessed and viewed on our school app. Click here to access instructions to download the school app.

The virtual Open Evening will provide an introduction to key aspects of the school and transition from P7. You will also have the opportunity to gain a real insight into teaching and learning across the school in S1 and beyond.

Also, at this early stage, I should be grateful if you would share this information about this important event with any parents of P7 children who are or may be interested attending Lourdes Secondary from August 2021.

The virtual event will remain on the school app for the next few months.

We look forward to welcoming our P7 pupils and parents on Thursday 19th November.