A message from the Head Teacher – 23 April 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

At this very trying time for all of us I hope, first and foremost, that you and your loved ones are safe and well. If you have any questions, concerns, queries or simply think there is something that we as a school community can help you and your family with, please contact me through the Headteacher’s e-mail account: Headteacher@lourdes-sec.glasgow.sch.uk

I hope that your children were able to relax during the two weeks of the Easter holidays but it is important for us now to offer structured support for S1-3 pupils to ensure that they have the opportunity to continue with learning while the current COVID arrangements are in place.

We hope that pupils will continue to learn, if circumstances at home allow, but it is also important to ensure that children have time to rest, relax and recuperate where circumstances allow. In order to provide some structure to this we will be providing the following support for pupils in S1-S3:

  • Each Monday, every subject will issue a piece of work that should be completed by pupils during that week.
  • A copy of this programme will be provided on our school App and school website, for parents/carers to view.
  • Some tasks will be for completion at home, with no requirement for submission to teachers. However, some pieces of work will require to be returned to teachers for feedback, this will be clear within their instructions.
  • We have created video guides to demonstrate how to access Home Learning resources and these will be provided along with the programme.

S4 – 6 pupils should, of course, have been engaged in SQA examinations throughout the next month. All of these pupils will have Estimate Grades for every subject sent to SQA by the end of May. It is not possible to share these estimates with pupils/parents/carers.

We would normally have S4 and S5 pupils, who wish to progress to S5 and S6, return to school at the end of May to begin their new timetable. At present, it is our intention to provide these pupils with a similar structure for home learning as described above, from Monday 25th May. For the next four weeks, however, and to help to prepare the new S5 and S6 for this, our request is that these pupils prepare for their subject choices for next year by logging into the BBC Bitesize website (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize ) if possible. The new S5 and S6 pupils should revise the material they have covered in their current subjects at their present levels (although only for those subjects they intend to study next year).

Some S4 and S5 pupils have not selected subjects and some have not made clear what their intentions for next year are. Some pupil choices of subject are not available. These pupils and parents/carers will be contacted by year group heads or their Pastoral Care teacher to discuss this further.

Throughout this time Principal Teachers of Pupil Support will keep in touch with pupils via Teams on Glow. The Pupil Support Team can also signpost families to appropriate services within the local community if required. Pupils can continue to access our school counselling service, details of which have been sent out via Teams.

A number of planned school trips will not proceed and we are working with the various travel companies to try to obtain refunds. We will contact involved families directly when we have further information.

If you have any further questions please contact me at the above e-mail address.

I hope and pray that you and your loved ones continue to be safe and hope that we will all see each other soon.

Best Wishes

Mr McGuigan