CANCELLATION OF PRESENTATION: Residential @ Lockerbie Manor

Dear Parent/ Carer,
Monday 27th April 2015
CANCELLATION OF PRESENTATION: Residential @ Lockerbie Manor

Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to cancel the meeting planned for Monday evening. This meeting will take place at a later date this term however be reassured that the residential experience will take place in February 2016 as planned.

To this end if you wish to secure a place for your child on this experience can you please return the initial reply slip and £25 deposit to the school by Friday 1st May 2015. This experience is open to our current S1 & S2 pupils and takes place on Monday 22nd Feb 2016 – Friday 26th Feb 2016.

Cheques should be made payable to “Lourdes Secondary”. A payment card will be issued and a timetable of payment dates will be given with this card.

Many thanks for your understanding in this issue
Yours sincerely
Lawrence Kerr
Depute Head Teacher