Arctic Star Command and Bomber Command clasp – message from Ian Davidson MP

Veterans of the Arctic Convoys are to be awarded an Arctic Star Medal and the aircrews of Bomber Command are to be awarded a Bomber Command Clasp to be worn on the previously issued 1939-1945 Star.

Arctic Convoy veterans risked their lives helping to supply our allies in the Soviet Union between 1939 and 1945. Likewise, the men of Bomber Command were at the centre of Britain’s fight back during some of the darkest days of the war, when we stood alone. Medallic recognition of their service to the country had previously been overlooked and I have been pushing for this recognition for a long time.

Unlike the Veteran’s Lapel Badges previously issued to local veterans, these are particular service medals which are being retrospectively issued, and as such are available to next of kin, in cases where the recipient has passed away.

If there are any Arctic Convoy and Bomber command veterans – or there relatives- who wish to recieve the recognition they deserve, please contact me at or collect a form from the Lourdes Secondary School office.

Yours sincerely

Ian Davidson MP