The S1 Welcome and Commitment Mass was held in the school’s Concert hall on Wednesday 3 October 2012. S1 pupils were joined in the celebration of the Mass by staff, parents and a number of Headteachers from our partner primary schools including St Constantine’s’ Primary, St Saviour’s Primary and St Marnock’s Primary.
In the course of the Mass S1 pupils committed themselves to the following:
- Treating all pupils, teachers, staff and visitors with respect.
- Develop my knowledge, understanding and skills in all my subjects.
- By working to the best of my abilities, gifts and God given talents. At all times working to my full potential.
- By using my abilities, gifts and God given talents to contribute to the school community.
- Respecting the Catholic faith of the School in my day to day words and actions.
In return the school offered the children:
- a climate of high expectations and aspirations for all
- a school environment where all are safe, supported, valued and included
- the pursuit of excellence in learning and teaching
- a positive, Catholic ethos which encourages and celebrates achievement
- a dynamic, enabling culture where achievement and attainment for all is centre.
- a focus on ensuring staff, pupils, parents and the wider community work in partnership to achieve the highest possible quality for all our young people
The Mass was a great success and it was a real team effort. Special thank you to:
- Fr John for leading us through the Mass
- Ms Peoples and Mrs Carpy for organising the liturgy and music.
- For the S1 readers and helpers.
- Alex Bell the technician for all his help.
- The Pupil Support Assistants for their help and support
- For the S6 pupils who helped out in the background
- For our families and friends for finding the time to come along and support us during the Mass.