
Hallowe’en in the Pine Room!🎃

Oh it is Hallowe’en in the Pine Room.🎃

This successful learner started her week off by working on her writing skills

Using the Feelings Bar to convey how you feel.


Numeracy, MOVE and AAC Devices for these successful learners.

Spooky Counting Songs and Halloween Matching Games – using our Makaton as we go!

Sustainable Development Goal 12(SDG) – We are Responsible CitizensRecycling, Reusing and Reducing where we can – using the milk carton lids to create art!!

Sensory Flour Play – looking for spiders and other bugs!!!

Working on our Fine Motor Skills – finding tiny Hallowe’en shapes.

Reading ‘Room on the Broom’ a class favourite.

This ECO-Captain says save your paint – wrap it up in a designated zip lock bag for another day.

With our Rainbow Theme we decided to be Rainbow Superheroes – can you guess who is behind each mask?????

The very reluctant Green Superhero!!

Hallowe’en Art with the paint saved from last week – such responsible citizens – SDG 12

Using the different textured brushes was great fun and created lots of different effects.

Hello there!!

Working on our SQA Unit – Recognising a Fictional Character. We have chosen the Colour Monster we like best from the story ‘The Color Monster’ now we are identifying characteristics or features and expressing our opinions about them.

SDG 12 – Recycling the used Batteries and Reusing the Milk Cartons for Halloween.

Our finished textured Art – spooky bats!!


Mr Carl Fredricksen from UP!!


Getting Spooky in the Pine Room!!!!

“Off with your Head!!”

How much fun can we have with a Pumpkin??

Guess Who???

Ready to make some mask???


MOVE – this skeleton is dancing to some spooky music.

Let us in on the joke!!

Have a spooky weekend everyone!!!


The World needs more Purple People!

We were all glad to see each other back at school after the holidays.

We were all successful learners and have been using the large building blocks and other items from around the classroom to help us with our numeracy skills.


Let’s build a really high tower!!


Counting is FUN!!

Meet our new Teacher –  a very confident individual at this numeracy task.


We love songs about counting.

Multi-tasking – counting and doing my exercises!

Our lovely conker Art.

We love Working Together in the Pine Class . Golden Rule Number 6 – Helping each other and creating something special.

A work of art.

Lets Dance – Music and MOVE!

“Do you want to share?”

Purple Play Dough Fun!

Great exercises for our hands  – flattening and grasping.

Rolling and squeezing.

Literacy online – listening to our story ‘The World needs more Purple People’.

Enjoying Boyle’s singing!!!!

This is our story.

Step 2 – to becoming a Purple Person ‘Laugh’ we do lots of that in the Pine Room!!!

Getting the menu photos ready for Monday “What do you fancy, Links or a Baked Potato?”

Embracing your inner Aladdin during Music and MOVE.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!!


Lets start a Band!!

Monday afternoon we enjoyed some relaxation time in class, some of us got to stretch out on bean bags, watch the sensory lights and listen to some soothing music, others played with the stimulating sensory toys.

One responsible citizen was far to busy to join us – she had a job to do! Sorting out the diaries and the Big Macs.

Tuesday Morning is Numeracy, we were all successful learners carrying out our numeracy tasks. Ordering money, creating cause and effect and making the Smart Board work and listening to the number songs, counting and building the big blocks – and then knocking them down!!!!

Why is this not working?

Got it now!!

…18, 19, 20!!!

Okay good counting! But time to knock it down!!!


For Science in keeping with our Colour Monster Theme, we made ‘Exploding Monsters the colours weren’t so effective BUT they did bubble up!!

Wednesday morning we made some hand prints ….I wonder what they are going to be?

Step two together…

Lets start a Band!!!

We were confident individuals  in the afternoon showing off our musical skills.

A duet!!!

Today we started to make some stress monsters – picking our Balloons

Making a mess… No …filling them with flour!

Balloons are great fun!!

Using a funnel – and puffing the flour back out of the balloon!!!                      Wrong Day for Wilson to wear black!!!

All done!!

We have been looking at the changing seasons and decided to use conkers to create cool Art.

We were successful learners and created some great Art work.

Our Cactus Hand prints.

Sensory Play with Shaving Foam – great hand exercises and messy fun!!

Exercising with my new Gaitors on – building muscle strength.

Stretch and grasp.

I was a confident individual on my bike.

Wishing you all a great weekend.


I do not eat the colour green!

In Numeracy we were all successful learners and worked on our counting skills – lots of counting songs and finding a set of classroom objects for each number.

1 Fly Swat

2 Pretty Flowers

3 Rhythm Sticks

4 Musical Bells

5 Different Feelings

6 Pink Flamingos

7 Classmates

Colour Matching – griping the different objects and posting them through the correct slot.

We enjoyed doing some art work and using bubble wrap to help us create some different effects.

The weather was so nice on Tuesday afternoon we got outside in the sunshine and had great fun having a sing song!!

In keeping with our Rainbow theme this week is all about GREEN, and we have started reading a new story called ‘I do not eat the colour green’.

Music and Move with some confident individuals.

Domino Fun

ICE Pack  – How I feel? We are continuing reading the story ‘The Color Monster’ – we all decided what colour and what materials to use to bring our Monsters to life!!!

We have also been looking at the changing seasons and made some beautiful leaves for our windows.


We had some fun with bread dough, it is great exercise for our hands – stretching and griping and a fun sensory experience too!


Have a great weekend

From the Pine Class



The Flamingo that came for Coffee!

This week we have continued with our story ‘The Flamingo that didn’t want to be Pink’ and made some lovely Flamingos – we were successful learners and made choices and decided what we want our Flamingos to look like. Selecting different paper, feathers, pom-poms and glitter! Aren’t they lovely?

And we also got to read the story outside in the sunshine.

Numeracy has been fun! We have counted different animals and learned their Makaton sign, even the sign for Starfish (actually we had to ask Mr Campbell that one!) sorted and explored different colours and enjoyed playing dominoes.

We are confident individuals while participating in our physical exercise and    MOVE, and carried out our hard work!

In the Pine Room we are always very happy to hear each others news during morning Group, and we like making choices and pressing the feeling sound bar to express how we feel each morning.

In Science, we are still looking after the Bees and have made a couple of ‘Bee Houses’ – counting the canes and fitting them into the tin. They are now hanging up in a tree that we can see from our class room – hopefully a family of friendly bees might move in!

Social Sciences we are continuing looking after the birds and we made some  birds feeders out of apples! Getting all we needed ready, cutting the string and the apples in half, mixing the bird seed and the lard and pressing into the apples.

Our Responsible Citizen was given a special lanyard by Boyle, as she has been looking after and helping everyone in the Pine Room and carrying her allocated jobs.

Today is the MacMillan Coffee, in class we liked making Colin the Caterpillar. We enjoyed our Class Social Snack – although none of us had coffee!!! We hope you like our MacMillan Cups –  we all made a choice of what treat  to put in it!!

Have a great weekend.


Pine is in the Pink!


We are all being Responsible Citizens and learning about Bees as part of our Science project – bees are so important for the environment. This week planted some pansies to put outside our classroom to see if the few bees that are still about were attracted to them!

Continuing our Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) and our Rainbow Theme, we have moved onto the colour Pink and started a new story called ‘The Flamingo that didn’t want to be pink’. It is a lovely story, and you guessed it, the baby flamingo did not want to be pink!! We all picked the animal in the story that we liked best, a zebra, a parrot or even a chameleon.  And then we played a number game of finding the numbers on the bottom of flamingos.

We have been Successful Learners and done lots of different Colour Sorting and matching activities.

Checking out the new fan from our Weather Box, it creates better wind than the last one.

Here is the winner of Wednesday’s Domino’s – a very excited boy!!!

This has been a busy and very quick week – we hope you all enjoy your long weekend and are looking forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday.





Yellow Stars in the Pine Room

In the Pine Room we have continued with the yellow part of our Rainbow Theme, we made some beautiful stained glass effect stars for the class room windows – lots of glitter was used! We read the story ‘Yellow is my Color Star’ again and make our own colour choices.

For Science we are being successful learners and learning all about Bees, so we finished our bee pictures and watched a little bit of ‘The Bee Movie’.

We are continuing with ‘The Colour Monster’ and looking at our feeling, we all took our turn in picking a colour and painting  our Colour Monster – isn’t he cool!!! And have started making a display board all about the Colour Monster and his feeling jars.





Yellow is my Colour Star

Well over the next couple of weeks we are going to be concentrating some of our time on the colour Yellow.


Well in our story Yellow believed that she was the most important bringing happiness, joy, warmth  and laughter to the world. The sun, moon and stars are all yellow and looking at a Sunflower makes us smile!

Mrs MacDonald made us smile when she made beautiful sunflower pictures in art with the class, we were all confident individuals rolling our marbles in the yellow paint to create a beautiful effect.

Our cress has also grown well – as we remembered to water it everyday!!! Hope you all liked it.

We are starting a short story called ‘Yellow is my Color Star’ and this is helping us make colour choices and in colour sorting activities in Numeracy. You can find this story online and listen to it being read.

We are still working on ‘The Colour Monster’ and this time it is the turn of the Yellow Monster – Happiness!!!

Have a Great Weekend

The Pine Ladies





I can see a Rainbow🌈

In the Pine Class we are all getting to know each other and reading a few different stories – our class theme is based around ‘The Story of the Rainbow’.

I am going to include a little of the story in each  blog, we won’t be sending out homework, but we will put a few ideas for you to do at home – if you want?

So …….Once upon a time – as all good stories start!!

All the colours in the world started to argue,  they believed that  they were the  best, the most important, the most useful.

So in class we are all going to follow this and start with the colour

RED 🍎🔺🏮🔴

Red couldn’t take anymore, he believed he was in charge, life’s blood, the colour of danger, fire and bravery.

Can you look around and find some red things in your house? Lets count them…how many did you find? Or when you are out in the car count all the red cars that go past.

Mrs MacDonald made some beautiful red themed pictures with us – which we have on display in the corridor.


We have also started reading the the story ‘The Colour Monster’. You can find this story online if you would like, it is all about a mixed up and confused monster, who gets help to put all his different feelings in different jars.


We have also planted some lovely flowers and some cress – with has started to grow!

We have listened to loads of different music – picked our favourites! Sang, signed and danced.

We have been enjoying our MOVE and Sensory Time too!

Have a lovely weekend!

The Pine Ladies





Pine Ladies Rainbow Video🌈

Hi Pine Class 🌲

It was lovely to get to deliver your parcels today and see some of our lovely Pinettes!!

Below is the link to a short video starring the Pine Ladies ⭐

Pine Ladies Rainbow 🌈

See you all Soon

The Pine Ladies


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