
Successful Learners – Numeracy

The Transition class were Successful Learners when they extended their numeracy task by sending each other for different amounts of fruit. The boys had to be careful and check they had the correct number of items before delivering it to their classmates.


Successful Learners – Numeracy

The Transition boys were Successful Learners this week when they used their numeracy skills in a cafe in the classroom. The boys had to sort their money, pick their items for lunch, calculate the total and hand over the correct money. Unfortunately all the food was plastic so we missed out on a mega feast!


POLO in the Pine Room!!

Power of Learning Outdoors – POLO Successful Learning in the Garden – look at our lettuce and onions!!!

Signing Practice – Baby Shark

We anticipated that Friday’s weather might not be so good – so we carried out some of our POLO Activities earlier in the week


We were working on our 50 Things too and instead of waiting for rain we created some!!!


Are you ready???

Water Balloons – throw them!!!

Literacy outside too!!

What a funny story!!!

Ready for some bubble wrap Art

What a bunch of Confident Individuals in Art!!!

What a Responsible Citizen.

Successful Learners Numeracy and MOVE

Knock it down…knock it down…..

….Well done!!!!!!

Sensory Cereal Play – using our fine motor skills looking for small candy eyeballs!!!

Crunch and pop!!! Different textures and feels.




Football Fun!!!


Squishy Painting

Using the Bubble Machine too!!

Great Copying.

Creating ’cause and effect’ with the switches.

Great fun in Numeracy playing Snakes and Ladders.

Have a great relaxing weekend everyone!!!!


Oak Assessment Time

We have had confident individuals in the Oak class this week, we have been assessing our knowledge in numeracy and literacy.

We have participating actively in time telling activities, using analogue and digital time.


We were effective contributors when we played ‘Tale as Old as Time’ from Beauty and the Beast.


IDL – Numeracy – Build a Shape Dinosaur

*Successful Learners

The stars class pupils helped to cut out shapes and followed instructions to build dinosaur pictures. We were very pleased with the finished result.


Confident Individuals – Outdoor Numeracy

The Transition class were Confident Individuals this week when taking part in outdoor numeracy. The rolled a die and were sent on a hunt to find the same number of things within different categories. Some examples were ‘four things that are different’ and ‘one thing that has a smell’. The boys worked very hard and were very confident of their answers – well done!


IDL Art in the Pine Room🍎

Fine Motor Skills this morning, colour sorting and threading buttons…..

…..and wearable!!

IDL Art making Apples for Snow White.

See Art is fun!

So what’s the news??

….something funny!!!

Great sitting skills.

Great signing while enjoying Morning Group.

Come Boyle lets get ‘MOVEing’ and dance the Tarantella!!!

IDL Numeracy, identifying shapes and making some dwarfs…..

….dogs and houses – well done!!!

Aren’t our apples cool!!!

Sensory Cookery, working with pastry, sugar, cinnamon and apples.

Kneading and gripping.


Musical fun!!!

Sports Day Ready!!!

IDL Pop Art – using the Dabbers and Scented Pens.

Fantastic Sitting.

Looking at the Weather in Social Studies and Science – making a rain storm!!


Are you sure you read the instructions right Wilson???

Not as dramatic as we expected – oh well!

Sensory Play – good use of the Shaving Foam!

Art, spoons and messy play – what could be better!!!

Getting our MOVE on!!! Marching to the Grand Ole Duke of York!!

Sensory Play using cereals and plastic fruits…

…and using our fine motor skills to make feeders for  the birds!!!

Have a FAB weekend everyone!!!!

Hope the sun shines!!



Confident Individuals – HWB food and food labels

During Health and Wellbeing time in class the Transition boys were Confident Individuals when looking at food labels and selecting healthy foods. Some boys played top trumps with the labels trying to select foods that had the best salt, fat and sugar content. The rest of the class helped plan a celebration menu but tried their best to make it balanced and mostly healthy. I think fizzy juice was snuck onto the list!


Just a short week of School in the Pine Room.

Numeracy, Colour Sorting and Fine Motor Skills, for these successful learners.

Listening to my Friends News.

Science – Gardening Time indoors due to the Scottish Weather – hail stones in MAY!!!

Picking our pots…

Bulbs, stems and flowers.

The life cycle of a Sunflower – putting these cards in the correct order.

MOVE – Lift pants and making friends.

MOVE – Big Stretches!!

Literacy – Character Recognition – Snow White is my favourite.

This week’s Superstar! For great work and concentration in Art.

Sensory Play with Bread Dough – great for stretching our hands out and gripping skills.

I love these Flappers!!

This confident individual is working on her writing skills.

Have a lovely weekend – Hope the SUN shines!!!


Creative Artwork in the Pine Room

“Are you Dancing?” – “Are you asking?”

“Come on Logan step in time!”

Working on our Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) we are making some Forest Art work, using paint and bouncy balls – CLEVER!

Rolling side to side!!

WOW!!! What a Successful Learner!!!

A Confident Individual having fun carrying out his hard work,

Ready – this successful leaner is multi-tasking, doing her Art in her Standing Frame – ART and MOVE.

Working on our gripping skills – holding on to the bags, then dropping them on to the mat.

“What a score!”

“See if you can beat her?”

Rainbow Numeracy at Morning Group

“Paying for Snacks” Great money exchange from this effective contributor.

Money Matching

Great counting and building skills.


“Lets make it higher Logan”

MOVE Rolling from side to side!!

Working on our Numeracy Skills.

A very successful learner working on his MOVE skills – great core muscle strength, fantastic reaching and stretching.

More Multi-purpose Flapper Skills  – Fencing – go Boyle!!!

Science – We are Planting our Morrison’s Seeds of Hope.

MOVE great Sitting.

Now for some well earned Sensory Play.

Working on my fine motor skills and trying to pick out the bouncy balls with the tongs – HEY!! not as easy as it looks!!!

Auditioning for Santa in the Christmas Show!

So much fun – but we are also stretching out our hands and fingers.

Mmmmm….  is there something in your hair?

Secondary Assembly

Enjoying to listening to Singing Hands and then using the AAC Devices to tell everyone ‘I am Happy’

IDL work – recognising the characters from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,

Benefits of Sensory Play, developing fine motor skills, gripping and stretching skills, and building up tactile tolerance.

Welcome to the Pine Class Snack Café, we are working on our numeracy and money exchange skills.

Even offering a Speedy Shopper delivery service.

Global Goals 16 – we are looking at the roles of the Police in our Community.

There has been a robbery in the Pine Room, someone has broken in and stolen the Jaffa Cakes!!! Dial 999 and ask for the Police!

Lets look for clues, a fingerprint – who’s is it??? We need to take everyone’s fingerprints.

So WHODUNIT? “Sorry young lady you have been nicked”

OH NO!!! someone has eaten all the evidence!!! Case dismissed!!!

Creating cause and effect making the unicorn laugh – MOVE – looking good in your new Standing Frame!

Finishing our IDL Art

Message for the ECO-CAPTAIN use everyday objects clipped on clothes pegs to create mini pain brushes – very creative.

WOW!! What amazing work

Get ready for FRIDAY DISCO!!! Music and MOVEment!!

Hard work time – Colour Sorting and Fine Motor Skills.

MOVE – Great sitting – Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!

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