
50 things outdoors – Windswept

We explored  wind whilst being outdoors. We experienced the wind on our face and how when it is strong it may blow objects around outside. We made our own wind sock to explore what would happen on a windy day. We took our wind socks outside and watched as the wind blew the tissue paper streamers  at the bottom.  The wind can sometimes blow rubbish into our outdoor area and we are responsible citizens and will tidy up.



Global Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions.


We voted for a class president and vice president to help with some helper jobs and be effective contributors in the class. We were able to make posters saying vote for and our name. We chose pictures for them and were  confident individuals able to hold then up for all the class to see. We voted using a ballot paper with pictures of everyone on it. We then counted the votes to see who won.



Sungazers POLO Day – outdoor learning

We have been completing lots of great outdoor learning activities for POLO day.  We enjoyed exploring the water wheel for science and playing games with water balloons.  We also had our snack outside and had fun with the parachute and making dens.


POLO Day Activities

*Confident Individuals    *Effective Contributors

We did some activities this week ahead of POLO Day. We painted patterns with water and watered our planter where we are growing onions, potatoes, carrots, strawberries, nasturtiums and sweet peas. Our gladioli bulbs are starting to grow too. We made symmetrical butterfly pictures in anticipation of making a large symmetrical floor pattern today. Today we also made a water wheel (which worked really well!) and created nature’s crowns.


Effective Contributors – Leavers Artwork

Our two leavers spent time this week completing their artwork that will be displayed in the school corridor. They were Effective Contributors by making artwork for the school that will remind us of them, once they have left.


Outdoor Learning

Today we were celebrating the power of outdoor learning.  We combined this with our moment in history for our country.  We were all effective contributors to make a Scotland flag with our chalk sticks.  Then we wrote ‘COME ON SCOTLAND’. Great team work in the Oak class here!


We had fun trying out a water trick, we had a cup with a small amount of water in it, then a ping pong ball.  We had to swirl the water round and round and then drop the cup to see how high we could get the ball to catapult up into the sky.



As it was POLO ( Power off Learn  Outdoors) day in school, we took part in many Outdoor Learning Activities.  

We placed different objects in the water tray to see if they would float or sink!


We had fun drawing shapes and writing names with chalk! 

We worked together to build some dens, walls and towers! 


50 Things – No 29 – Chalk Art

*Confident Individuals      *Effective Contributors        *Successful Learners

Pupils enjoyed making chalk marks in the garden and copying their names.


IDL – Technologies – Create your own dino bone

*Effective Contributors               *Successful Learners

Using a cardboard tube, newspaper strips and diluted PVA glue we created our very own dino bone.


IDL – Sensory – Create a sand jar

*Effective Contributor                          *Successful Learners

We created a sand jar in class to explain how fossils were made.

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