
Oak Young Man Working Hard

We are delighted to share with you all photos of this Oak pupil taking part in his weekly activities! They all look great and it looks as though you have been having fun!

Below we have a butterfly colour prediction, an amazing looking breakfast and an outside den!


Here we have some garden hose reading activities, followed by shadow drawing, well done!

Daily exercise and stick collecting to paint and create this wonderful rainbow, which is proudly displayed in the window for all to see! Fantastic and thank you for sharing with us! We are all very proud of you, keep it up!



Stars Activities 4

Hi everyone

Hope all is well with you and your families.

Here are some more activities to try this week if you wish. Ask your family to help you.  🙂



You will need:

Plastic bottles with lids

Selection of items e.g. nuts and bolts, large ball playdough, cup sand, cup lentils, cup pasta, cup rice, water (half fill bottle), leaves, buttons, twigs, gravel, in fact anything you have to hand that will fit through the narrow bottle top.

Glue or sellotape (optional)

1 Put items, or liquid, into bottle

2 Secure lid with glue or sellotape

3 As you shake and spin the bottle listen to the noise inside. Is it……….

‘clink, clank’

‘rustle, rustle’

‘splash, splash’

‘thud, thud’

‘swish, swish’




You will need:

A selection of large smooth stones or pebbles

Thick paint


Newspaper and apron


1 Lay newspaper on table to keep it clean. Put on apron.

2 Paint chosen design on stone and allow to dry.

3 Protect with a layer of varnish or non washable PVA glue or else paint will wash away in the rain.

4 Place stones around garden to decorate.



You will need:

Long paper tube (halved longways)

a rectangle of cardboard shaped into ramp (see picture)

Selection of cars

1 Lean ramp against sofa or chair

2 Hold car at top of ramp and let go

3 How far does it go?

4 Try another car. Does it travel as far?

5 Make the ramp steeper. How far does the car go now?

6 Try different ramp surfaces e.g. a strip of carpet or bubble wrap

7 Try racing two cars

8 You could use small balls or marbles instead of cars

9 Have fun!



We enjoy singing the Hokey Cokey in class but try it differently this time – Sing it in Scots

‘Ye pit yer richt erm in’

It’s not as easy as you think!


Post a comment or photograph to let us know what you have been doing. We’d love to hear from you.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!      ❤🙂



Weekly Oak Activities

Hi everyone, we hope you are all well! Let’s find out what activities we have for this week.


What do I need? Partner, paper and pencil.

Choose someone in the house to play a game of ‘I Spy’ with you. Write down the letter of the item you are trying to guess.  Once you have guessed it correctly, ask an adult to spell it out for you and practice your handwriting.


What do I need? Paper and pens

Ask an adult to help you with this task, the adult needs to hide one of your favourite toys.  The adult needs to make a directional map using arrows for you to follow to find your toy. (for example: start forward 10 steps, turn right, forward 2 steps, turn left, forward 3 steps, etc until you reach the finish position).

Cooking –   Lunchtime meals 

This week try and be a confident individual and try and make your own lunch.

Mr Robertson enjoyed a sandwich and Miss Miller had some soup for her lunch.  What will you have?


Below are some links to our YouTube channel for a video on how to make a sandwich or a toastie for lunch.

Gammon Sandwich

Click Here


Ham & Cheese Toastie

Click Here

Class Pet:  

Our caterpillars are safely within their cocoons now, Mrs Murray transferred them into their butterfly house.  This was a lot of responsibility and Mrs Murray was nervous as she didn’t want to harm any of them. Hopefully by next week we may have some butterflies.

Watch the video on youtube – Insect Lore Butterfly Garden Instructions. Click here



This week can you all sing and sign the song ‘Better Place’ by singing hands.  You will find this video on YouTube, click here

Life Skills: 

This week can you look out your clean clothes for each day. Have a chat with an adult about what clothes you need to put on.  Make sure you put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket before going to bed at night.


Keeping with our Rainbow theme for this Lockdown, make another Lockdown keepsake for you and your family. Click here to watch a video

Make a rainbow handprint of all your family and paint it once it is dry.  Here is what you need for your salt dough recipe;

250g plain flour (if you are lucky enough to have flour)

125g table salt

125ml water

Once you have created your salt dough handprint before baking in the oven, put a BBQ skewer into the bottom of the hand as this will help you to display your family handprints in an upright position. Also cut out the handprint before putting in the oven.

Have fun this week and remember stay home and stay safe.  We are all missing you! Glad to hear you are all doing great at home, proud of you and keep it up!



Red and Yellow……

Hello Pinettes!🌲

How are you all doing?😀

This week we are continuing with our Rainbow theme. 🌈

And we will focus on a couple of activities that you might like to do.


First the Singing Walrus – in the Pine Class we love the singing Walrus!!

And a song all about colour!!!


What about some singing and signing – with Mr Tumble!

And while we are listening to some Rainbows songs here is a nice one. 🌈

Colour Sorting 🎈🎁

We love to colour sort in class – so a wee challenge for you all!!!

If you like you could find us 5 different red things ❤and 5 different yellow 💛things – can you take a photograph and send it in so we can see what you have collected – things from outside, from the kitchen or from your toy box.

For lots of our colour sorting activities – check out these on Pinterest – Wilson loves Pinterest!!![]=colour%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=sorting%7Ctyped

Art 🎨

If you watched the film Wizard of Oz – did you like the song?

🎵 “If I only had a Heart”❤ with the Tin Man

For Art this week what about some Heart Art?

  • Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a heart;
  • Open the heart up;
  • Put paint on one side of the heart and fold back in half – press it down;
  • Open up – beautiful Symmetry Painting!!!

Why don’t you put this in your window for everyone passing by to see – it will make them smile.

Another activity is to cut some hearts from some cardboard you are going to recycle, such as cereal boxes –  responsible citizens and cover them in tinfoil, you could punch a hole in the top and string them up and watch the sunlight reflect off them, even decorate them if you want with beads, stickers or feathers.

Cookery 🍓🍪

First a Red cookery idea, what about Strawberry Jelly?  Make up the Jelly according to the packet instructions, allow it to cool down a little and then add something else you like that is red – what about chopped up strawberries or red smarties?? Any other ideas?? What does your jelly smell like? Does it wobble? Was it tasty?

Next a Yellow Food, couple of ideas, custard a favourite in the Pine Room – do you like it hot or cold??? Or yellow vanilla ice-cream if you prefer, or if you parents would like a challenge what about helping them to make some scones!!! Jam and cream OR butter and jam????? Yummy!!


If you are out and about either in your car, or out for a walk or watching from your window why don’t you count the red and yellow cars going past, was there more red or yellow cars???

 VE Day


This is Friday the 8th of May. Why not have a picnic inside or outside – remember this was just after the Second World War so food was limited and no Supermarkets – so keep it simple!!!

Jam sandwiches, a pork pie, a plain bun, jelly and custard!

See the source image

Have a lovely week Pine Class, do what you want to do in the blog, sent us some comments and send us some photos – we would love to hear and see what you have all been up to.

Jardine, Aitken, Boyle and Wilson miss you all!!!

Love the Pine Ladies



Let’s Get Busy Oak Team

Well Oak team, here is another week of activities for you all to try out at home.  You are under no obligation to complete, however if you do please leave a comment as we would love to know how you are and if you are enjoying your activities.

I haven’t had any song requests yet, for a new dance.  You must have a favourite song you would like to dance to!

Let’s get started with your activities for the week.


Shadow Drawing

What do I need? – Chalk, sun and a partner

There has to be more sunshine this week, so get out into the garden.  If you have chalk, choose someone in your family to stand and create their shadow.  With help draw around their shadow and reveal their outline!  If you do not have chalk get some paper, pencil and a toy and draw round the shadow of your chosen toy. Who does this shadow look like?

Lockdown Rainbow

What do I need? – Paint, sticks, paper, paint brushes, (frame is optional)

Again on your daily walk or in your garden can you find more sticks. You could make a stick rainbow picture and put it in a frame as ‘Lockdown’ 2020 keepsake.  I will post a finished picture of ours once it is complete but here it is so far;



Disappearing Words

What do I need? – Chalk, garden hose / squirty bottle and water

Get an adult to write some sight or tricky words on the ground.  The adult will shout out a word and you have to identify the correct word and then use your hose or water bottle to make the words disappear. The words can be names of people in your family, people in school, everyday words that you use or hear (bed, toilet, drink, food, etc)


Family Bingo 

What do I need? – paper, pens, YouTube and your family

If you do not have bingo cards at home, get an adult to put 12 numbers on a piece of paper, (numbers range from 1-90). Get everyone in your family to play, everyone needs a card, then use YouTube bingo caller for the numbers.

Choose a prize before you start the game and see who wins!


Breakfast Meal– What do you like to eat for breakfast? Cereal? Toast? Eggs?

Every morning this week try and get your own breakfast, on Monday you need help from an adult but maybe by Friday you can do most of it by yourself.

Think about what you need, bowl, plate, spoon, knife, bread or milk.

Here are some faces you will recognise, this is what they like for breakfast;


Life Skills: 

Each week you will have a different focus, this week we would like you to  concentrate on making your bed. 

IDL – Can you look around your house or garden and find things that could make a den / tent.  If you have a tent, put it up in the garden this week and have fun in it.

Music – I hope you are all still singing and signing, each week we will have a different singing hands song to focus on.  Find their videos on Youtube and get the family all taking part. From the singing bag a new song will be revealed each week. This week we are going to be singing, Million Dreams! Have fun!

Class pet update – Butterflies

All five not so little caterpillars are  doing well, they have almost ate all their food now! They are getting so big, I think it may be time for the next stage of their life cycle! They look as though they are about to get comfy, stop eating and hang on the lid to spin themselves into chrysalis. Once they are in this comfy cocoon this is where they transform into beautiful butterflies.  I wonder what colour they will be? Have you made you butterfly pictures and guessed their colour yet? I wonder if anyone will get it right!



Somewhere over the Rainbow….

Good morning Pine Class!

How are you all?

Have you been outside in your gardens listening to the birds? Jardine has and  she managed to photograph a Blue Tit that has taken up residence in the  bird box in her garden – amazing!!


What about feeding the Birds? Aitken has been doing that and made some lovely feeders – Well done Aitken give yourself a Clap!!

Below is a link of some lovely bird feeders – if you would like to make one and then watch some happy birds in your garden. 🐦


Boyle has been reading her cookery books in the sunshine, looking for some inspiration – she would love to know what you have all been reading?

Birdie Meatballs anyone?

I have made some Rainbow Birds from scraps of fabric I had left – what is your favourite colour?

Has anyone watched Mary Poppins? Did you have a favourite song?🌂

And did any of you enjoy the silly parrot and the Birdie Song?🐤

Our topic this Term was going to be Open Season – but due to the current situation we have had a wee rethink and decided to have some small topics that run over a week or two… or five!!!

Remember just do what you want to do and if you want to revisit any of the topics or ideas please do so – and post some comments and sent in some photos – we would love to hear from you all and see your lovely smiley faces!!!

Out in the Garden 🦋🐌🐛🐞

During Morning Group, we look out the window or door and check the weather, we then look at the BBC Weather to see if they got it right?  We like to sing and sign  ‘What’s the Weather like Today’  – sing along!! ⛅⛈🌤

See the source image

Next is a link to Mr Tumble singing and signing some songs about the weather.

Image result for singing hands

Also, if you look up Singing Hands you can see them signing individual signs for different  weather.

So what is the Weather like today?

If you are out in the garden or on a walk look and see if any rainbows appear! 🌈🌈

Or some Highland Cows!!!


Can’t wait to see a photo of the calf.

In class we have Sensory bottles for each different type of weather – these are really easy to make – plastic bottles, buttons, beads, water beads, Hama beads, elastic bands, food colouring, cotton wool, sequins are just a few things you can use. Below is a link to some ideas if you would like to make your own.

Art and Games🌈

This morning I have been watching the news and a feature I really enjoyed was about the ‘Posties’ – our local Postmen and Postwomen have been extremely  busy just now!! My Postman is actually my friend Andy, and I have known him for about 30years, so when I bake I always bake for him too!! Lots of children have been putting thank you pictures and messages on their doors, and some have been playing games with their Postie, such as Noughts and Crosses – where you put the grid on your door fill in a square the Postie has a shot and this goes on over a couple of days until someone wins!!! What do you think!! If you have a game, leave a note or make a picture send us a photo – and it will make your Postie SMILE!!!

Image result for noughts and crosses


Now the weather, sadly according to the BBC Weather is going to be a wee bit colder and rainy over the next couple of days, so what about making a pot of soup?  You probably have a favourite but below is a link to some different soups which you may want to try?

When making your soup🍵

  • Talk about the colours of the vegetables and sign them too!


  • Listen to the noises of the vegetables being peeled and chopped.
  • Smell the vegetables.
  • Taste some of the vegetables raw, if you can.🥕
  • Can you hear the soup bubbling as it is cooking?
  • What does your cooked soup smell and taste like?
  • Remember help with the cleaning up if you can!!!

Film Choice

Ok – I will give you some clues.

Image result for Green Clip Art FreeImage result for red shoes clip art freeImage result for broomstick shoes clip art free

Did you get it??

The Wizard of Oz🌈

Have a great week Pine Class

The Pine Ladies



Get Creative

Good Morning Oak Team! I hope you are all well and below is the details of activity 1 for this week! Remember to leave comments on this post on how you are finding the tasks that are being set.

 Activity 1 

What do I need? – A bag, blank piece of paper, pencil and a creative mine

On your daily walk or in your garden can you have a look around and find anything interesting that could create a lovely picture.



Empty all your findings onto the ground and sort them into piles of the same items, like below;

Ask an adult to draw a circle at the top of the blank paper, like below;

1) Can you use your material to make a person?

2) Can you make a picture of everyone in your family?

3) How many differerent ways can you a picture of a person using what you have found?

Here are some examples below;



Caterpillar / Butterfly progress

We are on Day 9 of our tranformation cycle of caterpillar into butterfly. They are getting a lot bigger and growing lots of little hairs all over their body.







Stars Activities 2

Hope you are all enjoying the good weather. Mrs Gardner and the ladies are all missing Willowbank and the Stars class.

Mrs Gardner’s daughter, Isla, made cinnamon buns. Don’t they look good. They didn’t last long!

Mrs Chisholm went a lovely walk to the Dean Castle Country Park with Evie and Owen where they saw ducks, sheep and a donkey.

At school we were learning about ‘The Great Outdoors’ by watching the DVD ‘Over the Hedge’

Maybe you’d like to do some outdoor activities at home. Choose any you wish to do. There is no obligation. Adapt any activities to suit what you have available, where you can safely access or what interests you. Ask your family to help you.


Try and find as many of the things on the following checklist as you can. Maybe you’d like to make a pair of binoculars to help you look!

Checklist – Try and find:-



flower buds     






green leaf    


Collect a selection of stones, flowers, leaves and twigs. Use them to make a face collage. Maybe you could make faces for all your family. Count how many you’ve made.


SCIENCE – How to grow a rainbow

Mrs Westerman found a great way to make a rainbow.

  1. Draw coloured squares along the end of a strip of kitchen roll.

2. Hold paper over a saucer. Add a little water making sure the end of the paper gets wet.

3. Watch as the water creeps up the paper and makes a rainbow.


I hope you have fun doing these activities if you choose to do so. Send a photo or post a comment if you can. It would be great to hear from you.

Have Fun. Stay Safe.  





Welcome Back Stars Class

Hi everyone. Mrs Gardner here. The ladies and I are all missing you. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine as we definitely are.                                                                      I have been tidying the garage, doing some gardening and have been doing facetime quizzes with my family which have been great fun.

Mrs Westerman has been tidying out her huge shed. She had so much rubbish she had to hire a skip! She has been enjoying walks with her dog, Storm, and took this photo of some sheep she saw the other day.

Mrs Logan has been busy with her children, Adam and Amy. They have been doing treasure hunts, baking and enjoying walks. They made a wee family rock garden with their names on. Mrs Logan has also been keeping fit with Joe Wicks and online Zumba classes.

Mrs Chisholm has been doing lots of activities with her children Evie and Owen. They have enjoyed going to the park, made lovely ‘Thank You’ rainbows for their window and had a yummy barbeque the other day.

Every Monday I will post an activity for you to do with your family, if you wish. It is not compulsory but might be fun to do. The theme this term is, ‘The Great Outdoors’ so I thought it would be nice to make ‘Natures Crowns’ or ‘Natures Wristbands’.

You can use twigs, flowers, leaves or clippings from bushes. The choice is yours! We’d love to see any photo’s or maybe you could leave a comment on the blog. Mrs Chisholm’s children made wonderful rainbow pictures to thank key workers and the NHS. Maybe you could make a thank you poster for your postman or dustbin men.

Have Fun. Stay Safe.


Feed the Birds…


Gosh Pine Class it feels like so long since we have seen you all – we miss you all terribly!!! We are hoping that you and your families are well and getting into a routine at home.

I am going to let you know what we have all been up to.  And then put on some ideas –  things that you and your families could do at home – now this is not compulsory!!! Our main wish is that you are all safe and happy – but we realise that some families may want a weekly focus, or some different ideas, but also that some families may have an established a routine and that they are happy with that – do the bits you want or don’t do any at all!! Add some comments to the blog or photos (hoping that is something we can do – but if it doesn’t work Mr Campbell is the Superman of IT he will sort it out for us!!) , and that way we can all stay connected.

Well….Boyle has been busy studying her cookery book, so Mr Boyle is very happy indeed!! So we may need to get her to post some of her recipes – Boyle your are up for the Cookery slot when we return to school!!

Aitken has been keeping fit by dancing – so you know what we are going to be doing when we get back – Pine Class do Strictly!!!

Jardine and Alan have been on the Tic Tok!! – so we want to see the videos!!!!

Wilson has been getting crafty –  knitting, crocheting and sewing- and with the help of wee Sadie making some useful bits and pieces.

Now yesterday I went for a walk with Carter, he is my Labrador and  nearly 15 so we don’t walk very far – did you spot him in the Willowbank Video?? Anyway he had a bath on Saturday and he is a very hairy Labrador – and as we were walking some of his hair was coming out and a wee bird appeared  – which did not observe the social distancing rules as it was very close and it took a beak full of his hair then came back for more – what a cosy nest that will be!!  I wished I had had my phone to take a photo! What I think its nest might look like.

Image result for birds using dog hair to make a nest

Carter on Saturday morning – Hairstyle by Andrew!!

So I decided that this weeks focus should be BIRDS!!!

Listening to the birds, especially in the morning, while the sun is shinning and if you can get outside and enjoy the calm and listen to them chirp.  The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has loads of information on there website.

Feed the birds, make a bird feeder – now this does not have to be complicated, look on Pinterest or Google – there are loads of simple ideas out there using bits and pieces from our recycling – cans, jars, plastic bottles – lets be creative responsible citizens.

There is a section on the RSPB website telling you what you can and cannot feed birds.

See the source image       Image result for make a bird feeder can#   Orange Bird Feeder

CBeebies had some great ideas too!

Make a Bird, again you don’t need lots of crafty materials –  get creative and use some recycling materials – and perhaps make your bird like a rainbow and put it in the window for others to enjoy – Reece the Ladies wants to see your Arty creation – your sister will help I am sure!!

12 COLORFUL BIRD CRAFTS  Newspaper Art! Introduce kids to mixed media & recycling by creating fun bird art from newspapers, party streamers, buttons & paint.  Upcycled Owls / Make these fun owls using recycled materials / Fun crafts for kids / Cardboard crafts

Film choices …..Well it has to be “Feed the Birds, Tuppence a Bag”

See the source image

The Old or New, you may have it on DVD or can watch it from another provider, or You Tube has lots of clips.

  • Lots of Songs to make you smile – I love ‘Step in Time’ – have a feeling Jessica will too!! Wondering which one Shannon will like the best???
  • Make your family say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” over and over again – think this will make Adam laugh!
  • Count the Penguins and the Chimney Sweeps – Jacob will like this!!
  • Learn the Makaton Sign for Penguin – come on Melanie!!!

Dancing – the Birdie Song – lets have a boogie!!!  – special request from Reece!!

And now for some cookery. 

This is a popular Australian recipe we have made it in class, we like the crunch of the cornflakes when mixing  – I have sent a video with all the ingredients and steps – and the birds can have some cornflakes too! Before they are coated in honey and sugar.

Image result for Honey Joys

Update on Heather, she started her new Nursing  job last Tuesday in Aberdeen and moves to a new flat tomorrow and she will send a photo when her and Willow the Bear are all settled.

Well have a great week little Pinettes!!!

Send us some Comments …and some photos!!!

Love the Pine Ladies xxxxx

See the source image

P.S. If any of this disappears it will be because Wilson hasn’t observed copyright and is now in Jail!!! Don’t worry the rest of the Pine Ladies will bake her a cake with a file in it!!!

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