Category Archives: The Wider Community

Primary 3 at Dance Fest

Huge congratulations to the group of Primary 3 children who performed in The Grand Hall at Dance Fest this week. They had rehearsed hard and their enthusiasm was clear for all to see during their performance. So proud of you all! A big thank you to Emma Dickson in Primary 7 who helped train the group and was with them every step of the way on the night doing everything from their make-up and hair, to calming their nerves.


Do You Know Your Rights?

As a part of our hard work on Rights Respecting Schools we have now covered many of the United Nation ‘rights’ in school. We are currently working towards achieving our silver award! Why not share your learning at home or ask your parents to discuss some of the rights we have yet to learn?

Attached below is a copy of the ‘Child Friendly Rights’ – hi-lighted in yellow are the rights we have covered in school.  Now let’s try to learn EVERY right!

rights of the child covered

Image result for rights of the child

New books…

Primary 7 recently received a generous Amazon voucher from Kilmarnock District History Group as a thank you for the class performance at one of their meetings. The children put on an extra showing of their WW2 local history play to all the group members one night in Kilmarnock College where they meet.

The class decided that it would be very appropriate to buy local history books for the upper school to use. We would like to thank the group once again for their kind gesture.

Congratulations, Laura Mitchell!

Very well done to Laura Mitchell in Primary 7! The whole class entered a national photography competition called My Place Photography. After some photography tips from Grange Art & Design Department, Primary 7 took to Kilmarnock Town Trail to take their snaps. Laura went one further and went out to take some of her own too. She managed to come third from all the hundreds of entries from all across Scotland with her photograph Caprington In The Mist. I’m sure you’ll agree it is a stunning picture of a magnificent building we have right on our doorstep! Once again, congratulations, Laura!

Feel free to log on to the My Place Photography 2018 website to see all our entries.

Rotary Quiz

Last week Hannah Paterson, Freya Staddon, Alistair Johnston and Aritra Acharya all represented Gargieston at the annual East Ayrshire Schools Quiz organised by the Rotary Club of Kilmarnock.

Although they didn’t manage to win, they managed a very high score in front of a large audience. We are all very proud of you, as you represented the school so well!

Why not try some of the questions they were asked…?

What letter falls between E and T on a keyboard?

What year did the Queen and Prince Phillip marry?

How many degrees are there in a 1/3 of a circle?

How many time zones are there in the USA?


P5 Learn About our Right of the Month!

We have been studying our Article of the Month through our work on Rights Respecting Schools ;

“Article 7 (Registration, name, nationality, care): All children have the right to a legally registered name, officially recognised by the government”.

In class we discussed the importance of our names and how it is personal to each and every individual. Unfortunately, we know that in many places in the world some children are not given this right and we spoke about how this might make us feel.

Together, we spoke about the stories of how we got our names and designed a name badge that was personal to us.

The children have been set the task to ask at home if there was a particular reason they were given their name. We are also going to try and find out when our birth’s were officially registered.

I’m excited to see what you discover!

“Our name’s make us unique” – Harry W


P5 Visit Robert Burns Birthplace Museum

P5 Burns Trip to Alloway Ayr.

What a great day had by all at the Robert Burns Birthplace museum. Thank you to all the parents and helpers who came along and made the day possible.



Right of the Month!

Our new right of the month is  ◊Article 7◊   and what a very important one it is!


Image result for we have rights children article 7

“You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the Government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).”

We will be learning a lot this coming month about the importance of Article 7.

Why not share your learning with someone at home?

The RRS school group!

Image result for un rights of the child



Care Home Visits

The purple morning group had a great first visit to Springhill Care Home today.

Our original pilot group also had a lovely time back at Howard House…

Intergenerational Visits (ECC)

Please click on the link to access the timetable and find out the dates that your child will be visiting the care homes.

Care home visits


Thank you