Category Archives: Rights Resecting Schools

Backpacks on their way to Malawi

On Thursday , the 62 Backpacks that were donated to the school, began their journey to be delivered to children in schools in Malawi. A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated a backpack or items for a backpack and who helped to make this project a big success.  Our photos show members of the Rights Respecting Schools group who helped with the project, passing the backpacks along the line to the Mary’s Meals van drivers, James and Cross who sorted the backpacks  in those for boys and those for girls. That way Mary’s Meals can ensure the most suitable bags are given to a Malawian child to encourage them to attend school.                                                                                          This project and the work we have done at assemblies, has helped us to realise how lucky we are but also to know that there are ways we can make a difference to the lives of other children on another continent of the world.   Special thank to Orla, Keira, Morgan and Zara from P7 whose idea it was to choose a Global Citizenship project which would help others in their final term as pupils at Gargieston Primary School.                              Thank you girls. We are so proud of you!!



Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal

As you will have seen in the previous post, Gargieston Pr. is taking part in the Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal. This project was launched at assembly last Monday by Sheila Smith who is a volunteer for the Mary’s Meals charity. It is being led by our P7 pupils, Keira, Morgan, Zara and Orla. We would be so grateful if families would donate a  backpack filled with the items listed in the previous post. Other than the toiletries all items can be recycled from home. All the backpacks you donate will be sent to school children in Malawi which will help to ensure, like us, those children can enjoy their Right to an Education. (UNCRC Article 28)

Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award

The Rights Respecting Schools Group would like to share their good news that, on Tuesday, we were awarded our silver  award in the Rights Respecting Schools programme.  Onward to GOLD!!!

Rights Respecting School Charity Donation Last week of collection. Can you help?

Hello, my name is Orla McAllister. Here, on the right, is my friend, Emma Simpson. I am in P6 and I am also a member of the Rights Respecting Schools Group. Over the Christmas holidays I found out about a charity in Kilmarnock called C.A.S.E. These letters means Caring and Sharing Effectively. They sell second hand items for money that is used to help people in need, for example homeless people, sometimes in our local area and sometimes abroad. I spoke to Mrs. McLaughland and told her I would like to help this charity. My friend, Emma Simpson and I made a powerpoint about C.A.S.E. to show at an assembly so that everyone would know what they could do to help.  We have quite a few bags of clothes and books but we would love more. This week is the last week. The bags will be collected from school by C.A.S.E. on Monday 26th March. Please click on the link below to see my powerpoint about how you can help.

Thanks, Orla and Emma

Homeless by Orla

Do You Know Your Rights?

As a part of our hard work on Rights Respecting Schools we have now covered many of the United Nation ‘rights’ in school. We are currently working towards achieving our silver award! Why not share your learning at home or ask your parents to discuss some of the rights we have yet to learn?

Attached below is a copy of the ‘Child Friendly Rights’ – hi-lighted in yellow are the rights we have covered in school.  Now let’s try to learn EVERY right!

rights of the child covered

Image result for rights of the child

P5a are Global Citizens!

As a part of Global Citizenship week Base 3 have been studying Fairtrade!

We know that Fairtrade means giving producers a fair price for their hard work. We have been working in school to bring attention to Fairtrade in Gargieston!

Image result for fairtrade

“Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.”


P5 Learn About our Right of the Month!

We have been studying our Article of the Month through our work on Rights Respecting Schools ;

“Article 7 (Registration, name, nationality, care): All children have the right to a legally registered name, officially recognised by the government”.

In class we discussed the importance of our names and how it is personal to each and every individual. Unfortunately, we know that in many places in the world some children are not given this right and we spoke about how this might make us feel.

Together, we spoke about the stories of how we got our names and designed a name badge that was personal to us.

The children have been set the task to ask at home if there was a particular reason they were given their name. We are also going to try and find out when our birth’s were officially registered.

I’m excited to see what you discover!

“Our name’s make us unique” – Harry W



Today we had a visit from the NSPCC. We learned lots about children’s rights. We focused on 3 main ones:

Children have the right to speak out and be heard.
Children have the right to be safe.
Children have the right to get help when they need it.


Ask your child at home what they learned.

Right of the Month!

Our new right of the month is  ◊Article 7◊   and what a very important one it is!


Image result for we have rights children article 7

“You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the Government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).”

We will be learning a lot this coming month about the importance of Article 7.

Why not share your learning with someone at home?

The RRS school group!

Image result for un rights of the child



Rights Respecting Schools Friday Assembly 1st December

At Friday’s assembly we had our first visit from PC Sean McKenna, the new Grange Academy Campus Cop. He visited some classes and came to our Assembly to introduce himself and also to explain to us about the possible dangers of social media and accessing sites such as Facebook, Instagram or SnapChat. He reminded everyone that the minimum age to have an account for these sites is 13 years old.

Our Rights Respecting Schools Article of the month of December is:-        Article 17 –  Every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

Rights Respecting Quiz – At the assembly on Friday, 15th December the Rights Respecting Schools group will give a prize to the person who can name the most Articles of the UNCRC. Get practising!!!
