Category Archives: Primary 7

Bethany’s Girls Football

Bethany’s Girls Football Is Back !

P5s – P7s

Starting Tuesday 18th September


Tuesday 27th November

(excludes 16th Oct)

Outdoor clothing required as we will be playing in the MUGA

3.30 – 4.15pm

Please give permission below for your child to attend. Thank you.

Netball Club – P6 and P7

P6 and P7 Netball After School Club

Fridays from 3.15 – 4.30pm

Starting Friday 7 September.


If your child wishes to take part

please complete the permission form below.


Only pupils with permission will be allowed to stay for the club.





Primary 7

Meet our Primary 7 children. What a busy and exciting year lies ahead for them!

P7 Transition Event

Thursday 7th & Friday 8th June.

Leaving school at 9 am sharp.

Walking to Grange Academy.

School lunches will be provided free of charge.

 (You can provide your child with a packed lunch if preferred)


PE kit should be brought on both days.


Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.

Primary 7

Of course not all the P7s chose to go to Arran. Those who stayed had a very relaxed week in and out of school, including making scones with Miss McBride in Grange Home Economics department with others who will be in their year; ten pin bowling, and a walk to The Howard Park.


Even with all the rain (and some of the children being up at 6.15 am this morning!!) Mr Smith and Mrs Bloomfield have been in touch to say all is well!

Mr Smith and Mr Johnston took one group abseiling and Mrs Bloomfield was mountain biking with the others. Also lovely to hear that the children are being a credit to the school.

Fingers crossed for some sunshine tomorrow!

My Place – Schools Photographic Exhibition

Why not pop along to The Dick Institute and see all the entries by some of our P7 Children to the My Place exhibition? The photographs were taken to enter a national competition, but East Ayrshire is also showcasing the entries from local schools, including Gargieston.

The pictures on display include Laura Mitchell’s prize winning entry – Caprington In The Mist.

The exhibition is free entry and will run until 9th June, so why not have a look and see how many places you recognise from our local area. Here’s a few more to get you started…


Primary 7 studying C = πD

Primary 7 children have been learning all about the circumference of a circle and the formula:

C = πD

Then they had a challenge to see who could list pi to the most numbers after the decimal point. Well done to Emily Robinson who took it to 17 places after the point! Wow!

Here’s Emily with her gold card and her 10 colours of Hama beads representing each figure in the sequence.


New books…

Primary 7 recently received a generous Amazon voucher from Kilmarnock District History Group as a thank you for the class performance at one of their meetings. The children put on an extra showing of their WW2 local history play to all the group members one night in Kilmarnock College where they meet.

The class decided that it would be very appropriate to buy local history books for the upper school to use. We would like to thank the group once again for their kind gesture.

Leavers Hoodies


Leavers Hoodies have been added to ParentPay for all P7s

Hoodies will be £15 for youth sizes


£18 for young adult sizes.


Hoodies will be available to try on in school to check sizing.


Please enter details below if you wish to purchase a hoodie.

Orders on the blog will be matched up with ParentPay

therefore it is important that orders match the amount.
