Tag Archives: Primary 6

Running Club Is Back!

Running club will start up again this week on

Wednesday 23 October.

P5s will run at 8.30am.

P6s will run at 12.30pm.

Parents are welcome to come and run with us!

Please remember to bring a bottle of water and dress appropriately for the weather.


Please enter your child’s details below if you wish them to take part.


P6A Outing

As part of their John Muir Award , P6A will visit The Mount and Annanhill Park on the following dates :

**The Mount  – Friday 15th March**

**Annanhill Park – Friday 22nd March**

Pupils should wear school uniform to school and bring a pair of trousers and suitable shoes for wearing outdoors in woodland to change at lunch time. Waterproof jacket should be worn.


Please complete the information below to give permission for your child to attend and if you are able to help on the day.


For more information on the John Muir award , please visit their web site.

Thank you.





Primary 6 Swimming

Primary 6

Please remember to be at  school for 8.45am.  You will enter through your usual door.

Remember to bring: a towel, underwear, costume, £1 for the locker, warm clothes/hats/gloves etc  and a snack which we will have on our return to school.

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Netball Club – P6 and P7

P6 and P7 Netball After School Club

Fridays from 3.15 – 4.30pm

Starting Friday 7 September.


If your child wishes to take part

please complete the permission form below.


Only pupils with permission will be allowed to stay for the club.





Primary 6 Assembly

Primary 6 Parents

We would love you to come along to our class assembly on Friday 15th June at 9.50 am.  We hope you can make it.

Image result for world cup 2018

Primary 6 visit Ayrshire College

On Monday 27th Primary 6 visited Ayrshire College’s aeronautical department to learn some more information about flight.

Some pupils managed to try to take off/fly/land a plane in the flight simulator.  A wind tunnel let us understand thrust and drag.  We learned about different parts of the plane and the composite materials that make up the outside of the aircraft.  We even got to sit in a Bulldog!



Primary 6

Primary 6 can you  bring a piece of cardboard in to help with our Christmas crafts please.

Thank you.

Primary 6 and 7 Maths Roadshow

This morning we attended a maths roadshow as part of STEM fortnight.  There were lots of fantastic interactive challenges.  Some of them really made us think and others really challenged our patience and perseverance.



Base 4 Mrs Cameron



Base 4 are very lucky to have Mrs Cameron ( who works at Spirit) coming in over the next 2 weeks to work on a series of lessons based on flight .  Yesterday we found out about drag, thrust, lift and weight and why they are all needed to make a plane fly.   We made some tricky paper aeroplanes and had fun getting them to fly.

We are looking forward to Mrs Cameron returning on Thursday for more experiments.


Visit by Microsoft to P6

On Tuesday straight after lunch P6 were given a visit by Microsoft to teach us all about Microbits and coding. We were given a USB cable, a battery pack and a microbit chip. We went onto a website called Microsoft Make Code and clicked on the first option which was Microbit. On the simulator we were taught how to code pictures onto our microbit and if we plugged in the USB it appeared on the chip. First we learnt how to code a heart shape that flashed in the centre as a basic of code. Then we were allowed to create our own pictures on the simulator. And for a challenge we had to code a game of rock paper scissors on our chips. After that we could make as many pictures on the microbits we wanted for the last couple of minutes. All of P6 would like to give a huge thanks for Microsoft and the teachers from  St Mungo’s High School and all the people at Microsoft. We really enjoyed playing with the microbits.

By Isabelle and Calum S