Category Archives: Parents

Communication Board – Top Tip update

05 mayTop Tip Bubbles


The children here at the ECC have been eagerly participating in bubble play within our outdoor environment. This is a fun physical activity that you can do at home with your child to stimulate interactions. Please click on the link above for more information!


Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is still Incy Wincy Spider this is to allow staff time to track the children’s knowledge of the rhyme which will be collated by Miss Clark and the data will be shared with you here on the blog over the next few weeks.

P4B trip to Ayrshire College


**Digital Learning**

P4B will  visit Ayrshire College , Kilmarnock.

Tue 15th May 2018.

Leaving school at 9.00am / Return for 11.00am approx.***

Pupils should bring  a small snack.

Full school uniform please.

Clothing should be suitable for the weather on the day – rain coat / comfortable shoes etc.


If you are available to help on the day – please give your details below.

The college have also requested  photographic permission from parents.



★ Star of the Week ECC★

Well done to this weeks ECC Star of the week winners for being able to talk about what they have been learning this week!

Is your child not talking yet?

Here is a helpful page on Facebook where the Speech and Language Therapists put up helpful tips on prompting your child’s communication skills.

Communication board top tip

04 April give your child a reason to talk 

(Please click on the link above)

Our top tip focuses on providing a variety of opportunities to encourage interaction with your child whether it’s through gesture or speech. This will heavily aid your child’s overall communication tips and can be incorporated into your everyday routine.

Nursery Rhyme of the week is back :)

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy spider. Please try this at home pointing out the rhyming words to your child. Miss Clark is tracking the children’s knowledge of each rhyme before we focus on it in partnership with parents/carers and afterwards and I will share this data with you in the next few weeks.

Drop in Café – Parents Room

Parent Drop-In Cafe

Friday afternoons starting 27 April 2018 @  1.45pm – 3.00pm



Would you like to learn more about:


Behaviour Management

  • Change and Loss
  • Family Literacies/Homework
  • IT
  • Volunteering Options

All Welcome !!








Wider Achievement

Next week we would love to hear all about the children’s achievements out of school. We know we have many successful athletes, swimmers, artists, horse riders to name only a few.

On Wednesday this week, 25th April, we would love the children who have achieved something outwith school in 2018 to bring in their certificates, medals, cups etc. to allow us to photograph them and showcase all the talents they have.

Looking forward to seeing what comes in…!

Mrs Lawson


GFG Meeting – Sunday 22 April 2018

The next meeting of the GFG is taking place on Sunday 22nd April at 1930 in The Park Hotel. All parents from ECC and the school will be made very welcome.


 The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Tuesday 24th April at 1900 in the school meeting room. Again all parents are very welcome to attend.


The GFG and parent council can be contacted via email:


GFG also have a Facebook page. Please like and follow for information on upcoming fundraising activities.


Minutes from the Parent Council and GFG meetings are available on the school blog under the Parents section.”


Kickstart Reading


This sounds like a fantastic idea… If anyone manages to get a ticket, please bring it in and we’ll put a photo of you and your ticket on the blog. Happy reading!!

Mrs Lawson

East Ayrshire Libraries are delighted to be working in collaboration with the SPFL Trust and Kilmarnock Football club to bring the 4-4-2 Reading Challenge to local children.

As a reward for reading and using the library we are offering free tickets to Kilmarnock home games. 

All that primary aged children need to do is borrow 4 books from the library (on their own card, not a group card) and when they return the fourth book they get a card stamped which they take to Rugby Park to exchange for 1 free child ticket and 1 discounted adult ticket on selected home games.  The challenge runs until the end of May but completed vouchers can be redeemed until the end of October.