
We have been fortunate to have the offer of a lovely storage unit from The Dick Institute. However, we do need help to have it picked up. If you have a van or access to a vehicle which would hold the unit, please phone the school and let us know.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lawson


ECC – communication difficulties….

Please click on the link below for some information on sense. They can assist if your child has communication or language difficulties or any ASN requirement. They offer free play sessions to extend and encourage your child’s communication or language development or day trips to various places.

Click to access sense-scotland-early-years-leaflet-web.pdf


Nursery Sports Day

The ECC sports day will take place on Wednesday 23rd May on the grass area of the school playground.

Children can wear sports clothes and trainers.

Parents and carers are invited to come and support the children.

AM – will start just after 11am. 

( Please do not arrive until 11am as this is  play time )

PM – will start at 2.30pm

Thank you

East Ayrshire Summer Dance School

East Ayrshire Dance Summer School 2018


Kilmarnock Academy, William McIlvanney Campus

from 6-10th August.

                                                                    For P4 – P7 pupils.

Application forms can be collected from the office.

Cost for the week is £30.

Dancing at Howard House (ECC)

The afternoon boys and girls have been practising a dance with the residents at Howard house. Today it was filmed on camera, they all did super!

Coming to a screen near you! 😀


Digital Learning Week

P4A had great fun teaching P2B all about power points.  They got to work together in the ICT suite making a power point of their own which will be added to in the coming weeks.  Great fun had by all!!


Assembly Awards



At Friday’s assembly, Starwriter awards were presented to Farrah Jenkins, Sophie Hughes, Evie Wilson, Keira McKeown, Sophie Paterson and Aimee Dorrans. Maths awards were presented to Harrison McColl, Brooke Wilson, Pip Newlands, Ada Samson, Eilidh McKinlay, Nathan Hamilton and Luke Hyslop. Congratulations to you all!!

A visit to Willowbank

Thank you so much to Mrs McCallum and the staff at Willowbank for inviting some of our P4 children up to visit during Digital Learning week. All the children had a great time as you’ll see by the photographs.

Our School Play

Today we had our class assembly. It was so much fun . Everyone laughed and thought it was funny! Our class made a cool song. I was a pop up in the play and my favourite part was singing and  the song was called SMART RULES!!!!! I was a gamer in the play and my favourite part was the singing with the class and there was a banana man game here’s some pictures.

Nathan and Katie

Gargie’s Greatest Show

This year, we have a new theme to our talent show which is ‘Gargie’s Greatest Show.’ It will take place on Wednesday 13th June after school (exact time to be confirmed). Everyone has been working hard on their acts. Look out for tickets on sale soon.

Mrs Smith, Miss Caldow and Mrs Kerr.