All posts by Mrs Marshall

Race for Life

A huge well done to Bryony Dean in P4B for running the 3km Race for Life in 18 minutes raising a whopping £300.  A massive congratulations from all of us at Gargieston Primary and we are all super proud of you.

P5A Christmas Newsletter

Primary 5A and Primary 5B have been working hard to create a Christmas Newsletter for the whole school to enjoy over the holidays.  They have included a little something for everyone so we hope you have fun looking at our ideas for crafts, decorations and choices of movies and songs.

Christmas Newsletter P5A 2020

Have a super holiday from P5A and P5B.


‘Gargieston’ street names

Robbie and Emma went a walk yesterday and spelled out Gargieston with street names.  Jamie helped to make it into an iMovie and we thought it would be lovely to share with you all- enjoy!


**Ayrshire College Trip**

P4A and P4B had a super trip on Wednesday 27th February.  They were finding out all about welding and computer programming where they got the chance to see how things were made.  They also had super fun learning all about dissolving, diluting, white light and watching how to make a fireball.  This was their favourite part!!



As part of our weekly electives Mrs Marshall is looking for any donations of used or unwanted lego.  If you are able to kindly donate please hand into the office at your earliest convenience.

Thank you very much for your help

Mrs Marshall

Base 3 Summer Trip


Base 3 had a super trip on Monday 18th June.  We visited Rainforest Adventure in the morning and Calderglen Park in the afternoon.  Our day was filled with fun, adventures and exploring with our friends!

P4A Planting Vegetables!

P4A have had a great time over the last couple of weeks preparing their garden patch for growing leeks and onions.  They are all very excited to see them grow!!



Library Parent Helpers Wanted!

Mrs Lawson and Mrs Marshall along with the children are looking for a group of parents to come and help catalogue our lovely new books for the Library.  We are hoping to initially meet with any willing helpers on Wednesday 20th June at 3.15pm.

We look forward to meeting you then.

Many thanks

Literacy Group and Library Group

P4A Sunny Daily Mile

P4A enjoyed doing the Daily Mile in the lovely sunshine today!!

Digital Learning Week

P4A had great fun teaching P2B all about power points.  They got to work together in the ICT suite making a power point of their own which will be added to in the coming weeks.  Great fun had by all!!