Makaton – Signs of the week!

This week on display in our cloakroom are our Makaton signs of the week which are to Sit and Friends. Please feel free to do these with your child at home as these aid communication and language skills.

ECC Snack Money

Autumn term snack money is now due.

Thank you to all those parents that have paid so far this term !

This year it will be 40p per day.

(August – October holidays  –  £16.00)

This money goes towards a health snack every day, for parties , trips and other little extras throughout the year.

Many thanks


The JRSO have noticed several problems in the car park again.

Please remember the parking area closest to the school is for staff and blue badge holders only.

The area next to the garden is for drop off only.

The roundabout should never be used to park on!

Please help us by following these simple parking rules and keep children safe.  Also, pass this information on to whoever brings/picks up your child from ECC and school.

Calum Stewart, Fraser Allison, Sam McCallum




ECC Settling Meetings

Short settling meetings will take place over the next few weeks.  These meetings are only 10 minutes long, however, if you feel you need more time to discuss something could you please arrange another appointment with either your child’s key worker, Mrs Johnston or Mrs Wright.

Monday 25th September – Purple Group

Tuesday 26th September – Green Group

Wednesday 27th September – Blue Group

Thursday 28th September – Pink Group

Tuesday 3rd October – Orange Group

Wednesday 4th October – Yellow Group

Thursday 5th October – Red Group

Appointment sheets will be beside your child’s register.

Thank you

Missing Jacket

A pupil in Base 4 has lost a Navy Michael Kors jacket.   Could we check all similar jackets at home please.

Thank you.

Can you help…?

Primary 7 children will be walking to The Galleon every Tuesday morning for six weeks (excluding October holiday) starting Tuesday 26th September. Would you be able to assist with this walk? They will be leaving Gargieston at 8.50am and leaving The Galleon at approximately 10.55am. If you can help for even one of these weeks, please contact Mrs Lawson or simply leave a message with the office.

Many thanks.

Primary 7 – Kilmarnock During WW2 Bus Tour

Primary 7 finished their first section of WW2 with a bus tour of Kilmarnock! They drove along Dundonald Road where the railings were cut down for melting into ammunition. They continued up John Finnie Street imagining the cars collecting evacuees from the railway station. After passing The Grand Hall (used for Italian prisoners of war) they made their way to Culzean Crescent where 4 people were killed in an air raid – the only one to ever hit Kilmarnock. They looked at the memorial bench for these four civilians  killed that night in May 1941. Finally, after a visit to The Dick Institute to look at old Kilmarnock photographs, they crossed the road to the war memorial.

Stephanie Kerr’s dad had told her where to look for her relative’s name.

An interesting and thought-provoking afternoon out.

Maths Week Scotland 2017

Pupils have been engaged in a variety of maths activities this week. To celebrate this, we have introduced a weekly class ‘Maths Award’.

Well done to the first pupils to receive this:

Fraser Allison, Ross Keachie, Charlie Neilson, Chloe Meechan, Zak Holt, Leo McPherson, Logan Montgomery, Stuart Phillips, Matthew Hannah, Libby Ewart, Charley Allan and Oscar Dudgeon.



EAST FORUM for Parents -Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wednesday 4 October 2017

4.00pm— 5.30pm

Crosshouse Campus, Playingfield Road, Crosshouse, KA2 0JJ

East Ayrshire Support Team (EAST) invites you to our annual forum where you can:

  • find out about the supports EAST provide to children, young people and their families
  • view a selection of resources used by EAST
  • meet staff from EAST, Psychological Services as well as East Ayrshire’s new GIRFEC (getting it right for every child) and LAC (Looked-after children) Officers
  • enjoy a coffee and chat with professionals on hand to answer questions about additional support needs



Communication Corner

Please have a look at our communication corner in the cloakroom. This board provides information in aiding your child’s communication and language skills. This board will be updated weekly with two Makaton signs.  Makaton is fun and aids communication and language development. This weeks signs of the week are Milk and Please, we will be doing these signs with your child on a daily basis within the ECC but feel free to try these out at home. The ECC will also be providing a top tip of the month: Getting face to face with your child please take a look on our communication board for more information.