Home School Learning

It is great to see the creativity and motivation that our pupils are displaying in their home school activities with their families. There have been some fabulous examples of learning shared with us.

Here is a selection of what our learning super stars have been up to:

Science – Life Cycles:

Findlay Thorburn – Stop Motion Life Cycle

alba_izzy life cycle

ALOE Life Cycles

Language – Ava Lily’s story writing:

The Exciting Journeys of Doctor Xenon and His Crew!

Keep sending in photos and examples of your work.  We really do love to see what you have been doing.

A big cheer to all our wonderful families who are doing a sterling job of supporting the boys and girls at home during this time.  An even bigger cheer to our fabulous pupils who are working and learning in such varied and purposeful ways!

Well done everyone!

# Successful Learners & Responsible Citizens

Show Time!

Porpatrick Primary performed their Easter play Sleeping Beauty; The Ugly Truth on the 19th of March.  We were a tad early presenting our production due to the recent closure announcement.   We were keen to  celebrate the hard work and effort the boys and girls have put in before we said goodbye for a time.

The children proved what dedicated professionals they were.  They improvised, took on extra roles and the show certainly did go on to everyone’s delight!

Mr White kindly took a video of the performance to share for those who weren’t able to join us on the day.  Well done boys and girls!


Barbara’s Last Day

It is a sad day indeed at Portpatrick Primary.

Barbara, our fabulous catering manager, is retiring today after 20 years of faithful service. Over two decades Barbara has served delicious and nutritious meals to each and every one of us.  Each meal has been prepared with love and care.  She served her very last school dinner to Izzy today and we couldn’t let the occasion go unmarked even in the midst of  the current circumstances.

She has always gone above and beyond, making sure every individual child was catered for.  She has always embedded herself in whole school life, organising events and giving of her time and skills for charity and the community.

She is irreplaceable and will be very much missed by all!

Wishing you every happiness for a long and happy retirement.

With love from us all at Portpatrick Primary




Last Day STEM Fun

The whole school had a blast today, taking part in a range of STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths).  We made full use of our environment.

To start our day off in the fabulous sunshine, the boys and girls enjoyed a maths themed Easter egg hunt. They had to seek out colour coded number challenge eggs to complete their calculation mission.  They were rewarded with a wee treat of a chocolate egg courtesy of the Easter Bunny, who had made an early delivery to the school.

Next up was practical STEM engineering and construction challenges in our STEM Zone. The children got stuck in to our new Kapla building kits. There were models, bridges, towers and structures galore; all created using HOTS ingenuity and imagination.  P1-3 were busy beavers too. They used the K’nex vehicle kit to make moving vehicles and machines of their own design.  Some undertook Lego challenge missions to construct models, patterns and designs successfully.


Coding was next on the agenda as the children applied computational thinking to design algorithms to complete challenges on their coding fundamentals course with Code.org.

Finally, we all made our way down to the park for well earned social time.  The children enjoyed participating in active play with their friends.

Wishing you all safe, happy and healthy over this period.

Love from Portpatrick Primary


One stop shop for learning at home

There is a wealth of information, ideas and resources available free to use to assist you with helping your child to learn during the school closure.

Here is a handy ‘one stop shop’ web page that is set out in sections to make finding resources easier to navigate. Simply copy and past the link below into your browser.


It has sections on:

  • Home teaching ideas – listed by subject area
  • Useful websites – listed by subject area
  • Useful apps – All free, inc. of how to download Glow to your mobile device
  • ‘How to’ videos’ inc. of how to use Glow.
  • Google Drive
  • Youtube – inc. of Joe Wicks PE activities etc.
  • Articles with links to a wealth of ideas and resources e.g. “Alexa, help me learn.”

Here is a downloaded version of how to access Glow and its resources at home:

How to access and use Glow for Distant Learning

If you don’t have a computer at home, it is possible to set up an Xbox to gain access to the site through your device :

Don’t forget you can install Office 365 at home for free using this tile, which which is available on Glow and is already installed on your child’s launch pad app.  Children can share work directly with their teacher using online Word etc.

Hoping this is helpful : )

Pocket Garden Competition Success

As part of our ongoing Eco Schools work to try and achieve our next Green Flag, we participated in the Keep Scotland Beautiful Pocket Garden competition. As part of this, families and pupils were invited to design a garden based on one of the 4 themes: Year of the Coasts and Waters; Keep Scotland Beautiful’s 20th Birthday; One Planet Picnic; and Wildlife Gardening.

All P4-7 pupils designed a garden in class and we submitted the entries last week. I am delighted to say that we received an email from Keep Scotland Beautiful, stating:

“We were thrilled to receive over 100 entries from across 21 of Scotland’s local authority areas and I am delighted to let you know that your entry has been successful!  There was a very high standard of entries inspired by all the themes and the judges were all impressed by the creativity, imagination and humour in the designs.  Please pass on our congratulations to your talented pupils.”

Our winning entry was from Ava Lily Orr-Ewing – a huge well done!!!

The prize is to now turn Ava Lily’s design into a real life garden and take it up to the Gardening Scotland event that is held in Edinburgh at the end of May. Our gardening club will start after the Easter holidays (circumstances permitting) and will focus on creating this.

How to access your child’s Glow account at home.

Here is a handy ‘how to’ guide on how to access your child’s Glow account at home.  There is access to email and shared resources and files via Teams.

Your child’s Glow login will be in their homework diaries.  They have all been checked as working today.

Click on the images to enlarge or click on the attached document hyperlink to download the full Word version.

How to access glow email_teams at home Blog How to access glow email_teams at home

Engineering meets Science – BSW

P4-7 ask themselves the following scientific hypothesis:

Would tomato seeds thrive quicker in a green house construction compared to those not placed in a green house cloche?

To assist with this challenge, the pupils got their engineering design heads on today.  In groups of 3 they planned and constructed a greenhouse structure using just straws, connectors and cling film.

The children applied collaboration, negotiation, self-evaluation and modification to their designs as part of the construction process.  Each team successfully produced a free-standing structure that can simply be lifted away to aid watering.

Half the plants have been placed in the cloches and half are set aside for comparison.  We will monitor growth over time to see which condition promotes the quickest growth.

# Effective Contributors & Successful Learners

Science Open Day – BSW

As part of our week long activities for British Science Week (BSW), Portpatrick Primary invited families to join us for an open day event this morning.

Everyone took part in a carousel of STEM based activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

The range of challenges on offer were as follows:

  • Geology – Observational study of rock formation
  • Forces – Magnetism and materials
  • Electricity – Series circuits, conductors & insulators
  • Engineering – K’nex moving parts construction
  • Computing – Soundtrap pocast/music making
  • Computing – Coding
  • Biology – Place the internal organs on a body tunic
  • Biology – Studying life cycles – live caterpillars
  • Aerodynamics – Construct and test an ‘O’ glider
  • Aerodynamics – Construct and test a paper aeroplane
  • Science Terminology – Complete a vocabulary crossword

Everyone was fully engaged and there was much chat about the learning that took place.

# Successful Learners

Active Maths – Telling The Time

P1-3 got busy today to tell the time by forming a human clock.  The children had to work collaboratively to problem solve and calculate position.  They ‘chained’ together to form the minute and hour hands of a clock to show given times. The task was differentiated appropriately.

P1 challenge – O’clock

P2 challenge – half past the hour

P3 – challenge – quarter to and quarter past the hour

# Successful Learners

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