Children in Need Day

Children in Need Day was a great success at Portpatrick primary this year, with students, staff, and families coming together to raise funds and awareness for a fantastic cause.

Students (and staff!) dressed in colourful outfits, some sporting the iconic yellow and polka-dotted theme of Pudsey Bear.

The day kicked off with a special assembly led by Mr. Morrison, where the importance of Children in Need was highlighted. Students learned how their contributions would directly help children and young people across the UK facing challenges such as poverty, illness, and disability.

The creativity on display was amazing, with children creating cupcakes in the afternoon with ingredients supplied by Miss. Whorlow. Our Pupils raised £30.00 through donations of non-uniform and seeing “how far our pennies go”.

Well done everyone involved!

SHANARRI – Safe, Healthy, Nurtured.

UNCRC: Article 27 – Food, Clothing, A safe home. Article 26 – Social and Economic help

Metaskills: Integrity, Feeling, Creativity

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