Our Partnership Primary 6 pupils attended Operation Safety at Stair Park on Tuesday as part of an education and awareness service operated by our emergency services.
The children participated in workshops on a range of key themes to help educate them on dangers they may face and how best to manage risk to keep themselves as safe, healthy and trouble free as possible.
The workshops attended were:
- Coastguard – keeping ourselves safe when rescuing someone drowning
- Ambulance – assessing the situation and recovery position
- Police – alcohol and its effects
- Fire Brigade – Dangers in the home
- Police – Vandalism
- Scottish Power – Electricity and its dangers
- Police – Social media safety
- Police – drugs
Our pupils developed a deeper awareness of the potential risks and discussed strategies to help them cope sensibly with risky situations.
Thank you to our emergency services for a very informative day and worthwhile day.
UNCRC Rights of the Child:
6 – Life, survival and development
16 – Protection of Privacy
17 – Access to Information
33 – Protection from harmful drugs
Sustainable Development Goals:
3 Good Health and Wellbeing