What a day of fun and activities we had today! The whole school community came together to raise money for a very worthwhile local cause – Our Local Blood Bikes.
We started off events with a very well attended coffee morning. We were able to offer a cornucopia of delicious home baking donated by our village community. Our parents kindly gave their time to man the kettle and dish out sweet treats to everyone who came along. Whilst this was happening, Jenny who leads Envy Street Dance, gave the children a dance workshop. The children later performed their routine to entertain our audience.
Next on the agenda was Beat the Goalie with Mr Morrison. Lewis managed to get three goals in and was crowned the winner! Cameron was the winner of the sock challenge, pairing the most in a one minute dash. There was name the teddy, who is now crowned ‘Cookie’ and has gone to his new home with Barbara. There were lots of raffle prizes kindly donated by our community for our fundraising draw.
There was much excitement and hilarity as the children eagerly lined up to ‘soak the teacher’ in a sponge throwing challenge. Miss Shelley and Mrs Copeland were both great sports and had their waterproof mascara in place.
In the afternoon, the children were delighted to have Dave Hook, chairman and Garry Lansin, trustee, arrive on their brand new blood bikes named Heather and Natalie which were purchased through charitable donations in memory of loved ones.
The boys and girls asked lots of interesting questions to find out more about the voluntary service the Blood Bike team offer to help save lives in our rural community. They were thrilled to get to sit on the bikes.
Our house captains, Lewis and Atticus, and Ella proudly presented a cheque for an impressive £450.
To finish off the day, the children lined up to give lots of cheers to wave the gents off.
Our very grateful thanks to EVERYONE who made today possible.
UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 26: Social & Economic Help
Sustainable Development Goal – 3: Good health & Wellbeing, 10: Reduced Inequalities
SHANARRI – Responsible
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