Scots Celebration at Portpatrick

The whole school looked to all things Scots to celebrate our national language heritage.

The children were each given a Scottish poem to learn, with three categories of challenge to undertake:

  • Presentation of handwriting (copying out their poem as neatly as possible)
  • Creating a piece of art or model based on the theme of the model
  • Reciting their poem with expression and feeling

It was very clear to see that all of the children have worked very hard to learn their poems and use expression and action to bring them alive in an entertaining performance.  The level of creativity in the children’s artwork was very high, with great imagination demonstrated by all.

It was quite a challenge for Mr and Mrs Ross to select winners from each primary as the standard was so high.  We are proud to say that each child achieved an award for their great effort. Mr Morrison officiated and Mrs Ross presented the certificates to the children.

The children held a showcase assembly to show off their achievements to a packed hall of friends and family. It was a very entertaining assembly for us all. We enjoyed P1 – 4 singing Ye Cannie Shove Yer Granny Aff The Bus and P5 – 7 doing a performance of Donald Where’s Yer Troosers? Confident winners from the different primary performed their poem to the delight of our audience. We ended with another round of the popular P5 – 7 song, this time with audience participation .

Our thanks to Mr & Mrs Ross for their continued help and support and our thanks to our families for supporting their children’s learning and achievement.

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 29: Aims of Education

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