P6 & 7 Residential Experience

Our senior pupils went on an adventure to Glasgow for their overnight residential experience. We joined up with our friends from the North Rhins Partnership. It was an adventure just getting there with cars, buses and trains transporting us up to the Big Smoke.

The children quickly checked in to the very comfortable youth hostel before setting off to the Kings Theatre to enjoy a fabulous performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

It was then time to take a short trip on the ‘Clockwork Orange’ underground to arrive at Ten Pin Bowling before dinner at the great world buffet that is Cosmo. The chocolate fountain, in particular, proved a great hit with many a visit.

The next day, the children visited Kelvingrove Museum. Our class really enjoyed visiting the Egyptian artefact exhibits which fits with the social studies theme they have selected to study this term. After that it was back to the youth hostel to collect our luggage. There was just enough time for a lunch treat at McDonalds before we all travelled home, tired but happy.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this great experience possible – Mrs Baillie, Mrs Henry, all the staff who gave up their personal time, and of-course to the children who were praised by members of the public for their excellent behaviour and manners as responsible citizens.

We are learning independence skills for life.

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 31: Rest, Play, Culture and Arts

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