Rights Respecting Schools Gold Accreditation Visit

On Thursday 30th May we were delighted to welcome visitors from UNICEF UK and family members to discuss how our school and school community have been working towards our Gold Accreditation. The P1-7s have been working very hard to ensure we are a Rights Respecting School. In our journey to becoming a Gold Accredited school we have completed activities such as rights assemblies, developing a rights mascot, sharing a rights homelink book, designing rights games, hosting a rights open afternoon and singing the ‘We’ve All Got Rights Song’ with sign language. Our pupils took full responsibility for showing our visitors around the school and carefully explaining and discussing all of the exciting things we have been up to.

As part of our learning and teaching during the visit, linked to our writing topic – Instructions, we gave ourselves the challenge of following instructions to make a paper Rights Fortune Teller. This proved quite tricky but by following the instructions carefully and with a little bit of help we managed to fold them successfully and began adding rights to test our peers!

We are very proud of the boys and girls for warmly welcoming our visitors and confidently sharing their super knowledge. As a little treat for all of their hard work we enjoyed a bowl of ice cream together as a school and recapped our Rights journey so far.

Great work everyone, we look forward to hearing back from UNICEF UK to find out if we have successfully achieved our Gold Accreditation.

  • UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 4 Making Rights Real / Article 13 Sharing Thoughts Freely
  • Sustainable Development Goal: 4 – Good Education
  • SHANARRI – Achieving, Responsible, Respected, Included

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