Last Thursday we had a great day at Portpatrick primary school for our Halloween party! The house captains (Carter + Lacey) organised some party games and there were lots of treats provided by the school.

Some of our party games included musical statues, 4 corners and Skeleton, Skeleton, Zombie (a game made up by Carter).

After a brief intermission and some treats, the ghoulish games commenced with a mummy wrap (where the P7s were mummified!), a hot pumpkin game (similar to hot potato), pass the parcel and we rounded off the day with a judging of the best costume.

Thanks to all the parents who turned up, donated Halloween gifts and put a lot of effort into getting the children dressed in their costumes. It made it an afternoon to remember for the children.
Article 12: (respect for the views of the child)
Article 29: (goals of education)
Meta-skills: Self-Management: Initiative, Social Intelligence: Leading, Innovation: Creativity.