As a class reward for earning 100 gems in Term 3, P1-4 enjoyed an adventure day where they shared knowledge they had learned about the Vikings and used their Position and Movement skills to navigate a treasure hunt!

We enjoyed a sunny afternoon exploring Portpatrick, using clues and our compass skills. Each time we found a Viking image we had to share some Viking facts to earn the next clue and direction. The treasure hunt lead us to the park were we enjoyed playing with our friends.

We returned to school to continue our Adventure day and discussed fire safety before creating a fire in the playground to cook like the Vikings! We toasted bread on the fire and added butter we had made in class by shaking cream in a jar until the fat and butter milk separated. The P5-7 joined us for our Viking fire and enjoyed hearing about how we made the butter and what kinds of food Vikings would cook over the fire. These activities allowed the boys and girls to use and develop some of their Meta Skills; focussing, communicating, collaborating and leading.
UNCRC Rights of the Child –
Article 6 – Life, Survival and Development Article 24 – Health, Water, Food and Environment
Sustainable goals – Quality Education.
SHANARRI – Safe, Active, Responsible, Included