Today Parents and stakeholders from the community came to our school to appreciate how hard our children have worked on learning their UNCRC Rights of the Child.
We kicked off the afternoon with a performance from P1-4 accompanied by the Feis Rois group. They sung beautifully and shared brilliant Scottish knowledge and jokes that had the audience in laughter.

After this we had a whole school performance for “We’ve all got Rights”. The children have learned to sign this song as part of our schools endeavour to become more inclusive.

Mr. Webb who is the equality improvement officer for Inclusion then gave a talk about the importance of Rights and how they can be embedded in schools. He kindly gave up his time to enlighten our community on the objectives for meeting a gold award and how the Rights can benefit us.
We then participated in a competitive game of Rights Bingo. Well done Mrs. Ross who won the coveted Kit Kat bar prize!

Our pupils then introduced our playground charter and how this was shaped using our Rights and the younger class talked about our ABCDE of Rights. After this families joined in to play Rights games and talked to children about their journeys towards gold.

A big thank you once again to everyone who came along to the Parent assembly, your continued support is greatly appreciated. It was especially exciting to see one of our new pupils who is starting after the summer.
UNCRC Rights of the Child
Article 3: Best interests of the child, Article 1: Definition of a child, Article 42: Everyone must know Children’s Rights
SHANARRI: Nurtured, Respected, Responsible, Included.
Global Goals: Quality Education, Partnerships for the goals