World Book Day

The whole school had a great yesterday for World Book Day. We did a ‘Secret Book Swap’ (a similar idea to Secret Santa), which the children loved. The children had books chosen by other peers which they would like… It really shows how well the children know each other!

We did a book chat, where children swapped partners (similar to a speed dating type idea), and told their partners about their favourite books, characters and plots. It was very interesting listening in to some of the conversations! We had a range of favourite books from Percy Jackson to Spiderman, from Goosebumps to Matilda and Diary of a Wimpy Kid to Wings of Fire. There is plenty of enthusiasm from children at our school for reading.

We finished off the afternoon with a paired read where the younger class would read to the older class. We enjoyed the paired read with some chocolate and cocoa (which was Fairtrade – linking with Fairtrade fortnight.)

UNCRC Right of the Child –

Article 12 – Respect for Children’s Views, Article 17 – Access to Information.

SHANARRI – Nurtured, Respected and Included.

Why not enjoy reading together with £1 books from W.H. Smiths!

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