DG OWL outdoor learning

Today, our primary children took part in outdoor maths learning sessions, combining fresh air with hands-on problem-solving. Pupils explored key concepts such as measurement, shapes, and multiplication in a natural environment. Activities included estimating and measuring lengths of sticks, creating geometric patterns with natural materials, and solving real-life word problems about distance.

This interactive approach not only deepened their mathematical understanding but also enhanced teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. Children were highly engaged, applying their skills in meaningful, practical ways with parents who came along to participate in the session. Well done everyone and thanks to the DG OWL team for leading the session.

UNCRC: 29 – Aims of Education, 28 – Access to Education

Metaskills: Focusing, Collaboration

Mulch to talk about

Today, Portpatrick primary school pupils enthusiastically rolled up their sleeves for a hands-on mulching project in the school orchard. Equipped with shovels, wheelbarrows, and gloves, the children worked together to spread organic mulch around the plants. The activity not only helped to enrich the soil and suppress weeds but also taught pupils the importance of sustainable gardening.

Through this practical experience, the children learned about improving plant health and conserving moisture, linking the project to their science curriculum on ecosystems. The children showed great teamwork and effort, and everyone was eager to contribute. Well done everyone and thanks very mulch to Norvel Dampney who assisted the children.

Metaskills: Focusing + Collaborating

UNCRC: 6 – Life, Survival and Development. 24 – health, water, food and environment.

Stay and Play!

Today the school extended a warm welcome to nursery pupils who will be enrolling in our school this year or next year. The current P1s did a fantastic job of introducing the youngsters around the school and played with them in the playroom. They did various activities including modelling with playdoh, counting with a till, making food and drinks and getting used to their new surroundings for the future.

SHANARRI – Included and Safe

UNCRC – 28 – Access to Education. 12 – Respect for Children’s Views.


On the last day of term before the Christmas holidays, Reverend Breakey came into the school to make Christingles.

This gave the children a sense of association between the birth of Christ, the light that is shared and the love that is spread around the world – indicated by the red tape. The candles and sweets signify the fruits of earth and the four seasons.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their task and we thank Rev. Breakey once again for all she does for our school!

UNCRC – Article 14: Freedom of thought, belief and religion. Article 29: goals of education.

Metaskills: focused, collaboration, empathy and creative.

Cinema day at Portpatrick Hotel

Portpatrick Hotel and the Portpatrick Cinema group kindly invited the children to watch a film on the penultimate day of Term 2! The children were spoilt with popcorn and mini munchie boxes provided by Portpatrick hotel and Cinema group. They were treated with watching Despicable me 4 in comfy seats.

We would like to extend a massive thank you to the Cinema Group and Portpatrick Hotel for making our children feel comfortable and giving them a sense of pride in our community. It is much appreciated and was a lovely end of term gesture for the children for all their hard work.

UNCRC: Article 17: Access to information and Article 31 (Leisure, play and culture)

Metaskills: behaviour, focussed, critical thinking.

Christmas photo dump!

Sorry for the belated blog post…. those pesky elves! The children had a great build up to Christmas in the school. They gave a fantastic performance in the school show and were rewarded with a visit from Santa Claus! Santa brought each of the children their own special present which they wished for in class.

Additionally, the children enjoyed a yummy Christmas dinner a few days before the holidays which included turkey, roast potatoes and everybody’s favourite… Brussel sprouts!

Well done to all the children for their efforts in Term 2. I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and Happy New Year.

Metaskills: communication, collaboration, creative

UNCRC: Article 3 (best interests of the child), Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion)

Children in Need Day

Children in Need Day was a great success at Portpatrick primary this year, with students, staff, and families coming together to raise funds and awareness for a fantastic cause.

Students (and staff!) dressed in colourful outfits, some sporting the iconic yellow and polka-dotted theme of Pudsey Bear.

The day kicked off with a special assembly led by Mr. Morrison, where the importance of Children in Need was highlighted. Students learned how their contributions would directly help children and young people across the UK facing challenges such as poverty, illness, and disability.

The creativity on display was amazing, with children creating cupcakes in the afternoon with ingredients supplied by Miss. Whorlow. Our Pupils raised £30.00 through donations of non-uniform and seeing “how far our pennies go”.

Well done everyone involved!

SHANARRI – Safe, Healthy, Nurtured.

UNCRC: Article 27 – Food, Clothing, A safe home. Article 26 – Social and Economic help

Metaskills: Integrity, Feeling, Creativity

Fire Safety Warden talk

The Fire Safety Warden Robert came into our school to talk about how to keep safe during Guy Fawkes night. This included discussing the types of material that are allowed to be burned in a bonfire and identifying which substances aren’t safe for the environment. He conversed about safety procedures and what type of safety equipment should be used to keep us safe at this fun (but potentially dangerous) time of year.

George testing out safety equipment.

Carter performing the “Stop, drop and roll”

Article 3: Best interests of the child, Article 19: Protection from Violence, Abuse and Neglect.


Self- management: Focusing

Social Intelligence: Communicating

Innovation: Sense Making

Hauntings at Portpatrick!

Last Thursday we had a great day at Portpatrick primary school for our Halloween party! The house captains (Carter + Lacey) organised some party games and there were lots of treats provided by the school.

Some of our party games included musical statues, 4 corners and Skeleton, Skeleton, Zombie (a game made up by Carter).

After a brief intermission and some treats, the ghoulish games commenced with a mummy wrap (where the P7s were mummified!), a hot pumpkin game (similar to hot potato), pass the parcel and we rounded off the day with a judging of the best costume.

Thanks to all the parents who turned up, donated Halloween gifts and put a lot of effort into getting the children dressed in their costumes. It made it an afternoon to remember for the children.

Article 12: (respect for the views of the child)

Article 29: (goals of education)

Meta-skills: Self-Management: Initiative, Social Intelligence: Leading, Innovation: Creativity.

Maths Week

Our learners took part in Maths Week participating in a range of different number experiences including a Sumdog contest, making shape monsters, counting our laps in the daily mile and making 3D buildings as part of our shape city! Additionally, the children organised our Macmillan Coffee Morning where the pupils used budgeting, finance and counting the number of raffle tickets sold!

Well done Portpatrick!

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