Life Skills Club – Camping and Organising

On Tuesday 21st May our new Life Skills Club started after school. The P1-7s were invited to attend the first skills session based on camping and organising. It was a beautiful afternoon to practice our team working and problem solving skills while putting up tents and packing an over-night bag. The boys and girls worked in small teams to look at the equipment they had before beginning to assemble their tents.

We faced a number of challenges including feeding the poles through the tent, the breeze trying to blow the tents away and working out how the inner sleep sections attached to the outer tent. However, with some team work, using previous experiences and problem solving we managed to successfully assemble one tent….. The larger of the tents was very tricky indeed! We learned that you must check (and double check) the length of the poles and the instructions before starting to assemble the tent. We will tackle this one again another time!

The boys and girls worked well together and were Percy Perseverance’s, remaining patient and not giving up! To finish our session we identified some of the skills we felt we used during this task: Team work, strength, listening, talking to each other and problem solving.

Great work team! Next week, we will be practising different skills during a Hospitality session.


Initiative / Communicating / Collaborating / Critical Thinking

  • UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 31 Rest, Play, Culture and Arts / Article 15 setting up or joining groups
  • Sustainable Development Goal: 3 – Good Health & Wellbeing, 4 – Good Education
  • SHANARRI – Active, Included

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