As part of a very busy last couple of weeks, Portpatrick pupils enjoyed some Easter celebrations.
First of all there was judging for ‘Paint the Egg’. The competition for this was very fierce and lots of hard work were put into all entries. The winners for this were Cameron and Layo.

After judging, the children went on an Easter Egg hunt. They were able to find some sneakily hidden eggs from the teachers and the children cooperated well to find all missing eggs!
Finally as the weather was nice, we went outside to roll Easter Eggs down the hill.
The children thoroughly enjoyed their day while learning about the importance of Easter as a tradition and how it stemmed from Christianity.

UNCRC Rights of the Child –
Article 30 – Minority Culture, Language and Religion, Article 14 – Freedom of Thought and Religion
Sustainable goals – Responsible consumption and production.
SHANARRI – Responsible and Included