Leadership in our Pupil Voice Groups

Our responsible senior pupils are busy preparing and organising activitiesfor upcoming events.

Pupil Council & House Captains

Tilly and Freya (Libary Monitors) and Lewis and Atticus (House Captains) are working together to plan for World Book Day which is on Thursday 7th of March. The children have decided to offer pupils the opportunity to either come dressed as a book character or non-uniform for the day. They decided that pupils should have a choice so no-one felt they had to spend money to have an outfit if they didn’t want to. Our responsible leaders are also organising a mystery book activity to promote reading for pleasure. Watch this space!

STEM Leaders

We will be celebrating British Science Week on the 11th of March. Conor and Louise are organising resources and activties for our planned open afternoon. They are setting up for different experiment stations. Families will be invited in to join us for an afternoon of STEM activities on Tuesday 12th of March at 2pm.

Digital Leaders

Cameron and Scott are planning to hold a pupil training session to help pupils become more confident in logging on to the computer with secure passwords. They will also be helping their classmates log in to their Glow account and send an email. They are busy writing instructions that can be used to help us.

Eco Committee

Lacey and Rebecca are gathering cardboard ready for Mrs Dampney’s visit soon. She has asked that we recycle cardboard that we will soak and place around the roots of our fruit orchard to help keep a store of moisture to keep our fruit trees healthy and well hydrated.

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 29: Aims of Education

SHANARRI – Achieving, Responsible & Included

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