On Tuesday 28th May our after school Life Skills Club continued. This week the P1-7s were invited to attend a skills session based on hospitality. We started by setting our table for a two course meal. The boys and girls had good knowledge of how to set a table from previous experiences but few had set a table for more than one course. We looked at an example of a table setting before getting to work setting our own place.

Once the table was set we got started on preparing our first course – melon boats. We discussed food hygiene and agreed that before we started we should always wash our hands. Everyone confidently used a knife to prepare their fruit after some discussion about knife safety. We showed skill and control when using a knife to cut and slice.
Then, we took our melon to our place setting and discussed how we would serve the plate to someone already sitting at the table. We also had a chat about table manners and how to show someone that you are finished with the food in front of you. We carefully cleared the plate from the person to our left, scraped any waste into the bin and neatly stacked the sink ready for washing up.

For our second course we made tortilla pizzas. Again, we used our chopping skills and got creative with our toppings. While these baked we returned to the table for a toast and a drink of something fizzy! We discussed the skills we had used during the session including listening, organising, cutting skills, focusing, being clean and using our manners. To finish off we enjoyed our delicious pizzas and cleared our table.

We didn’t forget our washing up, we ran out of time during our session but the dishes were still there in the morning to be rinsed, cleaned and dried before being put away.

Initiative / Communicating / Collaborating / Critical Thinking / Curiosity
- UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 6 Life, Survival and Development / 15 Setting up and Joining Groups / 24 Health, Water, Food and Environment
- Sustainable Development Goal: 3 – Good Health & Wellbeing, 4 – Good Education
- SHANARRI – Healthy, Nurtured, Responsible, Included