Remembrance Day Service

Pupils, staff, veterans and community members joined together today at our Village War Memorial to remember all those in the armed forces who have made sacrifices for us in the past, and for those who continue to do so today.

Rev. Breakey led a service with poignant poems and readings by the children. She recounted the story of Stoker John Smith who’s name is on our village war memorial. He was a local Portpatrick Primary pupil who lost his life at just 19 years of age when his submarine was hit by a torpedo. Lacey’s Daddy shared information on the campaign medals he has been presented with for his time in the armed forces. This helped make the Remembrance service personal for the children and deepen their understanding of the selflessness of those who protect us to keep us safe from war.

We were very touched to be joined by our local veterans and community members.

The children stood respectfully for the 2 minute silence, giving the occasion the dignity it deserves.

Here is a short animated storybook about the Scottish Poppy

The Poppy Story Book Animation (English)| Learning films | Poppyscotland

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 29: Aims of Education, Article 38: Protection from War

Sustainable Development Goals: 16: Peace& Justice

Metaskills: Integrity, Feeling and Sense Making

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