Portpatrick Pupils Take Environmental Action

Pupils from Portpatrick primary rolled up their environmental sleeves to take part in the Great British Beach Clean 2024.  This is a week-long citizen science event, where hundreds of beach cleans take place up and down the UK.

Portpatrick pupils went down to our local harbour and cleaned along the shoreline removing lots of plastic which can be a danger to wildlife.  The children removed lots of discarded and washed up rubbish, making the beach a cleaner and safer place. They also chose to clean up around Ewan’s Space playground and village areas. They were supported by community volunteers Sian & Heather and Brenda from ONUS (Our Oceans Need Us). 

Our children are responsible citizens who always like to do their bit to protect our environment and help our communities.

UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 24 – Looking After the Environment

SHANARRI – Responsible

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