Friday 10th May 2019
P3/4 and P4 have thoroughly enjoyed their technology challenges over the last two weeks. Week 1 involved the children making a car with wheels and week 2 was about creating a drawbridge with moving parts. The children have been working together to follow instructions and build their models and they particularity enjoyed using the saws to saw the wood. They had to measure out different lengths of wood and saw them carefully using the sawing stations in the classroom. The children are delighted with their finished products and we even had a race with the cars int he gym hall. Theo and Firth’s car won the race.
This term P1 have been learning about a healthy diet and so recently we made our own healthy snack! We learned the ‘claw’ and ‘bridge’ technique to chop, slice and shred a selection of vegetables. As you can see we enjoyed creating and eating the final product! Thank you to Mrs Houston from the High School for lending us the aprons and some chopping boards.