Tag Archives: Successful Learners

Primary 7 Scots Poetry and Art Competition

Judging took place on 15th of February for P7 Scots Poetry finalists and Art competition. Mrs Cathro and Mr Roan from Dalbeattie Burns Club visited school to carryout the judging. Once again standards amongst finalists was very high and the gentlemen didn’t have an easy job with the judging. In fact all finalists received 5/5 for effort. Standards in the art competition were also very high with lots of variety in the compositions.

Art –   Runner –  Up    Joe         Winner    Yvie

Poetry       3rd Place    Millie         2nd Place    Kiera         Winner    Grace

Bin Bag Fashion Show January 2017

Primary 6/7 delighted us all with a catwalk show of their wonderfully unique designs made from recycled plastic bin bags. The show was the result of a very interesting class topic about clothes. It was amazing to see the range of designs created by our pupils. Mrs Burn talked us through the design processes behind each unique item or collection. Here are just a  few of the pictures.







We are all Unique

P2/3 have recently been focusing on what makes us all unique; specifically – HWB outcome 1-47a ‘recognising similarities and differences, but that we are all unique.’

Mrs Wixon gave the children a few weeks notice to decide which skill/ability they would like to share with the class, and they did not disappoint!  Here are a few photos of just some of the skills which were shared on the day.  It proved invaluable in terms of discussion and realising that everyone is good at something!