Tag Archives: Primary 3/4

Cinderella and Rockerfella

With audience participation from the outset – goodies to cheer, baddies to boo – and some very corny jokes, the stage was set for the tale of Cinderella and Rockerfella to unfold in the panto-style production at Dalbeattie Primary School. Fairy Nastyboots and Naughty Kitty were thwarted in their attempts to prevent Cinders and Rockerfella (Prince Charming) from falling in love. Luckily, the Fairy Brigade were there with a ‘Wey Hey Hey’ to save the day. The Ugly Sisters brought the house down with their duet of “I’m so in love with me!” Buttons entertained the audience with his limericks and his talking dog Teaser. A special thank you goes to Miss Dale and Holywood Primary School for the loan of backdrops and outrageous costumes. Thanks also to support staff and all family members who supported children, and to Kyle in S4 at Dalbeattie High School for his expertise with sound and lights. Mrs Anderson, Mrs McLean and Mrs Dyson were very proud of all pupils from Primary 3/4, Primary 4/5 and Primary 5 who had worked extremely hard to make the show a roaring success.


Technology Challenges

P3/4 and P4 have thoroughly enjoyed their technology challenges over the last two weeks. Week 1 involved the children making a car with wheels and week 2 was about creating a drawbridge with moving parts. The children have been working together to follow instructions and build their models and they particularity enjoyed using the saws to saw the wood. They had to measure out different lengths of wood and saw them carefully using the sawing stations in the classroom. The children are delighted with their finished products and we even had a race with the cars int he gym hall. Theo and Firth’s car won the race.


Primary 1,2 and 3 were all very excited today as Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie joined their classes to share with them their Book Bug(P1) and Read, Write, Count bags(P2 and P3) . The book bags are part of the Scottish Government initiative which aims to inspire a lifelong love of reading, writing and counting, and strengthen links between home and school learning by supporting parents in taking an active role in their child’s learning to give them the best start in life.  Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie read the books from each bag with the children and shared the motivating learning games and activities with them. The children were very also very excited to have been given their bags to take home and share with their families. We look forward to gathering  feedback in due course about how families have used these together.

Infant Sports

What a fantastic Sports Day ! Well done to all pupils in Primary 1,2 and 3 . All children participated well and had a fun and enjoyable sports day in the sun. Children took part in team races and then individual races. The team work was fantastic and sporting behaviour shone through. Thank you to all those who joined us today and thank you to staff for organising the event.

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Primary 3/4 Viking Visit

Viking Visit

P3/4 go back in time with the Vikings!

Exclusive By Riley Porter

Last Thursday P3/4 had an exciting Viking visit. When we opened the door we were met by funny Vikings. Some of us got to dress up as people in the story Simon told us. He also told us about lifestyle in Viking times.  A corner of the classroom was turned into a Viking home.  Later on we pretended to row a long ship to raid other countries. Mrs Anderson split the class into three groups of seven. The first group got to play Viking chess.  Next we got to talk to Simon.  He told us about how the Vikings weighed the silver to see if it was the same weight as what the other Viking had to get it.  Some of the people got to blow the horn and lie in the bed.  After that we went to see Eric.  He told us about how the Vikings made things out of wood and showed us some of his tools to carve wood.  Last of all we went down to the field and they had a battle with all of their weapons.  We were all gripped with fear and excitement. It was a fantastic day.

Please click on individual photos to see full image.

Viking Visit 011  Viking Visit 012  Viking Visit 017

Viking Visit 019  Viking Visit 023   Viking Visit 027

Viking Visit 068  Viking Visit 073  Viking Visit 086

Viking Visit 090  Viking Visit 122  Viking Visit 117




Exclusive by Fraser Campbell

The P3/4 children made mini—Viking homes.  It took them a long time but they finished it.  Some of them thatched the roof while others planted sticks in ground and then slid art straws through. The way that they thatched was with straw and card. They cut the straw   and placed the straw on the card “Well it was  not easy,” said the children. It was really brilliant fun. I thought they all looked great.

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