Tag Archives: Primary 1/2

PC Blacklock Visitis P1/2

P1/2 enjoyed a visit from PC Blacklock where they learned about the role of the police, their vehicles, how to contact them and their uniform. They had the opportunity to ask lots of questions to help with their topic work in class. Their favourite part was getting to dress up in items of uniform; perhaps we have some future Police Officers in our class.

P1/2 homework challenge

Last term P1/2 were learning all about materials.  The children were given a homework challenge to create an item using recyclable materials.  The children loved being able to show their items to the class as well as showcasing them to P1 and P2.  Thank you P1 and P2 for coming to see what we have made.   The children would also like to say a huge THANK YOU to the parents/families at home who helped the children create their pieces.


Sharing Learning

This week Primary 7 pupils visited Primary 1 and Primary 1/2  to share their learning. As part of their language and literacy work, P7 have been working on writing in Scots. They rewrote the Gruffalo in Scots and illustrated their own books. The classes then shared their work with P1 and P1/2 . Everyone had a wonderful afternoon sharing and learning together.

P1/2 Christmas crafts

P1/2 have been very busy making lots of different Christmas crafts for our fundraising enterprise. We had great fun making cards, a calendar, two decorations and reindeer food.  We even created posters to send home to advertise our sale.  The children enjoyed participating  in all the different activities as well as being able to sell their items to their relatives.  Families were also given a little preview of some of our nativity songs from ‘A King is Born.’   Thank you for helping us raise £69.00.


Infant Sports

What a fantastic Sports Day ! Well done to all pupils in Primary 1,2 and 3 . All children participated well and had a fun and enjoyable sports day in the sun. Children took part in team races and then individual races. The team work was fantastic and sporting behaviour shone through. Thank you to all those who joined us today and thank you to staff for organising the event.

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Bling Your Bike

As part of our participation in The Big Pedal, Katie from ibike is  supporting us with some cycling activities. The first of the activities was Bling Your Bike for P 1-3 on Friday 22nd April. There were some fantastic bling bikes and scooters.

1st Prize in scooter section : P1 Fraser Davidson, P2 Logan Forster and P3 Lewis White.

1st Prize in bike section : P1 Maisy Pipe, P2 Abi Hart and P3 Amber Latimer.

Special bike prizes : P1 Jack Martin- covered bike completely in pipe cleaners. Daisy Gilmour – even with two flat tyres, Daisy still decorated her bike as a fantastic unicorn.

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.

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