Tag Archives: Assembly

Promoting Fairtrade

At Dalbeattie Primary School, we are continuing in our work to promote Fairtrade. A representative from Kirkcudbright Fairtrade Group, Mrs Van Zwanenberg, spoke at our whole school assembly about how we can help others by choosing to buy Fairtrade products like Fairtrade bananas. Primary 5D pupils explored the items in her shopping basket by finding out where the Fairtrade ingredients came from. They also watched a short film and discussed the benefits of Fairtrade. At assembly, Primary 5D pupils performed a short play to introduce the theme of a Fairtrade Break which the class will run next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, P5D pupils will run a Fairtrade Tuck Shop offering toast with Fairtrade strawberry jam, Fairtrade biscuits and Fairtrade bananas. We appreciate all support in raising awareness of Fairtrade and involvement in our Fairtrade Break event.

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School Badge


Today at assembly the four finalists of our school badge competition were announced. Badge designs were shared with staff and children. Pupils have now been asked to vote on their preferred design that will become our new school badge as we move to our new learning campus. Thank you to all pupils who took time to design badges for the competition and well done to our four finalists.

Lainey Ireland Primary 7

Tamzin Jolly Primary 7

Jessica Bowden Primary 5

Nolan Thompson Primary 4

The winning design will be announced in due course.

End of Year Assembly

Today we held our end of year assembly. The assembly was a celebration of the academic year that has gone, achievements and successes. Primary 7 performed two songs from their end of term  show and presentations were made for achievements, to P7 leavers and staff moving on to new opportunities.

Babsie Caig Trophy-best role modelIsaac Kirman

Alistair Gourlay Trophy – Art7 Craft P1Molly Houston

Jenny Corrie Trophy -Poetry – Brooke Henderson

Alan Younger Trophy – Art & Craft P6Lainey Ireland

Lions Club Citizenship –  Erin Houston

Maureen McShane Trophy- Best EffortAshlea Smith

Heughan Trust Awards – Overall Winner  – Alice Maxwell

Country Dancers Grade 3 – Mya Berry, Alice Maxwell, Bess Arnold, Ellie Keenan, Keira Murdock

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Scots Assembly

On Friday 26th of February, we held a Scots Assembly to celebrate learning throughout the school. Children from P3/4, P4,and P5 performed traditional songs they have been learning with Feis Rois tutors. Scots Poetry winners from each class recited their winning poems and Mrs Fortnum’s country dancer performed two dances.

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Primary 3/4 , Primary 4 and Primary 5 performed traditional songs. 

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Poetry winners.                  Greg Cowan P7 Burns Collage winner.

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