Junior Hardrock Success
CPR and Defibrillator Training
Primary 7 had a visit from Amanda, Community First Responder for the Scottish Ambulance Service, on Thursday. She taught us the importance of assessing danger, checking the airway and placing a individual into the recovery position. She highlighted the steps that the children would take if they found an unresponsive patient that wasn’t breathing. The children participated in performing CPR and learned about how to use the defibrillators that are located in our local community. All of Primary 7 displayed great resilience by continuing to perform CPR even when they got tired!
Great work Primary 7!
Junior Hardrock Challenge
What a fantastic morning at the Junior Hardrock Challenge. Great to see so many of our pupils participating. They certainly all displayed the school value of being committed throughout the event. Great to see everyone cheering for each other in all the races and showing real sporting attitudes. Very proud of them all.
House Captains and Vice Captains
What a great first meeting I had today with the house captains and vice captains. I was gathering their views about rewards for the winning house at the end of each term. They came up with some great ideas for rewards but also lots of other ideas that they would like to organise throughout the year.
Watch this space for more house updates.
Colliston, Craignair, Dalmun and Screel.
Assembly and HT Awards 4.10.24
Unfortunately we didn’t manage to have a Friday Focus group today but class teachers did discuss with their classes our school value of being included today. The children brought lots of lovely ideas to share at assembly. Some very thoughtful answers as well that really made us think and reflect.
Awards today were given as always for a variety of reasons. Some of these included demonstrating meta-skills, being a responsible member of the class, over coming worries about presenting to the class, putting in great effort across the term in all areas of the curriculum, embracing 3rd level maths and being a super role model. Well done to all our award winners.
Lunchtime Football
Well today at lunch time we had three football games going on at once. Never has this happened before! The Sports Captains and Vice Captains were amazing and took responsibility for playing with, encouraging and supporting both P1 and P2 so that both year groups had the opportunity to play football. So proud of how they have taken on these leadership roles and responsibilities.
P6 were with myself for football and I did compliment them on how well they had played today. We do have some skilled players across the school but when we play football at school we are very mindful of the variety of skill levels we have and always try to encourage everyone to do their best, show sporting attitudes at all time. These qualities were definitely shown by P6 today. Well done.
Fairtrade Community Quizzes
There has been lots going on at Dalbeattie Primary to mark Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 which has been held at the later month of September this year due to its being the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade Foundation.
As previously reported, the eco committee made Fairtrade chocolate and Malteser crispies made with ingredients donated by Dalbeattie Co-op, Castle Douglas Tesco and Dalbeattie Spar. The pupils brought in donations for this to help raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Throughout the school, pupils have also been including learning about Fairtrade as part of their learning in class.
Running alongside this was a Fairtrade Quiz based on products in the local shops. We are very grateful again to Dalbeattie Co-op, Castle Douglas Tesco, Dalbeattie Spar and also to Dalbeattie Londis for facilitating this.
The children who took part returned their forms with one pound donations and the chance to take part in a prize draw. Today, in assembly, the lucky winning forms were pulled from the ‘hat.’ The winners were Logan, Annie, Elise, Rex, Evie and Niamh who also got a special prize for compiling the most comprehensive list of other Fairtrade items, not featured in the quiz. All the participants received a treat size bag of Maltesers in recognition of their effort in completing the quiz. The school has raised almost £100 for the Fairtrade Foundation. All these activities help us to retain our Fairachiever School Status which we have to reapply for every two years.
Active Schools Lunchtime Fun
We really enjoy having Ross Cunningham from active schools joining us for our lunchtime club on a Thursday. Ross always plans lots of fun games and activities for the classes he is working with. This term P7 and P6 have each had 4 weeks of lunchtime club with Ross. Next term we will move down to P5 and P4 having this opportunity.