Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards

First assembly of the new term and we spoke about the values we had worked on together last year and what these means for the school. Posters have been displayed around the school and in all classes to reinforce these.

The children were also asked to look closely at the people around them and value them and get to know people’s skills and qualities. Optical illusions were used as  the stimulus for this to make the children realise that not everyone may be as they seem from the outside and looking closely at the whole person both inside and out will help them to get to know them better.

Awards were given out today for a variety of reasons. Being committed to learning showing focus and skill, taking ownership of learning, taking on a leadership role when creating class videos, for excellent sportsmanship, creating outstanding art work and showing a renewed focus at the start of a new term were just some of the reason for awards today. Well done to all our award winners.

We also announced the total funds raised from our sponsored walk. we raised £2361. this will be used by classes to purchase outdoor learning resources or Fun 31 resources.



Assembly and HT Awards 11.10.24

Today in assembly we reflected on our value – Responsible. The Friday focus group shared their ideas and then representatives from each class shared what responsible means to them.

We also thought about harvest and things we have to be thankful for.  Thank you to everyone that provided donations for the community pantry. These will be handed in during the holidays.

Awards were also given out for a variety of reasons some of these included being a good captain in the rugby festival, always listening well during teaching time, showing commitment to learning, being determined to succeed at maths and always being kind to others.

Our house captains came out to the front at assembly today to present the awards which was fantastic. they were all confident individuals. Well done Keira-Lee, Jack, Amalie, Korey and Mollie.

Sponsored Walks

We had two fantastic sponsored walks today. The first walk this morning was P4-P7 classes round the town woods. Our second walk was for P1-P3 this afternoon round Rounall woods. The weather was in our favour this year which was great and the chatter and buzz as we went round both woods was amazing. Thank you to all family members that were able to join us for the walks, it was great to have you with us. We are so lucky to have such beautiful woods to use in our local community. Well done to all the classes.

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