On Saturday 28th September, the history club visited Tongland Abbey Excavation site. We learned lots of interesting things about the founding of the abbey by Alan, Lord of Galloway and his links to the Magna Carta signing in 1215. We now understand much more about how archaeological investigations take place. We are very grateful to Dr David Devereux and Mr Donald Henry for giving us tours of both the excavation site and the two later built parish churches. More detail about what we learned will be included in our published findings at the end of the year!
Head Teacher’s Awards 27.9.19
PC Blacklock Visitis P1/2
P1/2 enjoyed a visit from PC Blacklock where they learned about the role of the police, their vehicles, how to contact them and their uniform. They had the opportunity to ask lots of questions to help with their topic work in class. Their favourite part was getting to dress up in items of uniform; perhaps we have some future Police Officers in our class.
Primary 5 Science
Primary 5 have been carrying out their own investigations into substances which dissolve and factors which affect the rate of dissolving. They had to organise equipment, think about the procedure and how they were going to ensure each test was fair, make predictions and then carry out the experiment with a partner. Pupils learned how temperature, particle size, surface area of containers and stirring all affected the speed of dissolving.
Primary 5 Fun with Micro:bits
Mrs Dyson has introduced the Micro:bits to Primary 5 pupils and has been impressed with how quickly the class have learned to create code and download them to the micro:bit. After creating their flashing heart badge, pupils experimented with creating their own designs, which included spelling out names and flashing initials.