P7 Miss Clendinning and Miss Rodger

🎄 Week 8 🎄 

This week has been packed with lots of festive challenges focusing on developing and assessing our meta-skills, dance practises and end of term assessments.

I hope all pupils have a brilliant last day and enjoy their final primary school party on Friday!
Merry Christmas everyone, have a super holiday!! Miss C 

Week 7

At sports leaders this week, P7 have been learning Scottish country dances in preparation for their Christmas party. It was great to see pupils demonstrating our school values by being respectful, responsible, included, kind and committed.

Week 5&6

Primary 7 have been learning about inheritance, genetics and DNA over the past two weeks. We learned where DNA is found, what it looks like and how gene base pairs connect to provide every person with a unique set of DNA code.
We used this information to create hypothetical families based on shared genetics.

Week 4

Week 4 Reflection
Primary 7 have been reflecting back on what they have been learning this week. This was some of their highlights:

“I have enjoyed using the Djembe  drums in music” – DC
“I enjoyed curling because it was fun” -AW
“I liked learning about the bus timetables” – JL
“I enjoyed doing bike-ability and going onto a new road” -KC
“I liked calculating speed, distance and time” – OW
“I enjoyed creating our scientist posters” – LA
“I enjoyed doing time, distance and speed in maths” – IT
“I enjoyed the Djembe drums” -EM
“I liked curling competition” -AD
“I enjoyed the curling because it was fun and my team won” -SP
“I enjoyed learning about bodmas” – KLG
“I have liked doing my writing” -KS

Curling Competition – 20th November
Please see our post on the main school page to read all about our Curling success!

This term we have a focus on a science and have been learning about the classification of plants and animals. This week we dissected some flowers to identify the different parts. We were able to locate the male and female parts of the plant and explain the different ways that plants reproduce.

PE with Mrs Gray
P7s have been working in their Netball skills with Mrs Gray this term and I had the pleasure of watching some of their games on Monday. I observed some amazing shooting and passing as well as great team work. Well done, P7!

Week 3

Week 3 Reflection
“We have learning to use bus/train timetables for maths” -HC
“We have been learning how to use a Djembe drum” -DC
“We are learning to do BODMAS in maths”
“We have been learning to change 24hr time to 12 hr time – LB
“We have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell – IT
“I enjoyed doing rounders at sports leaders” -LA
“I enjoyed making a scientist poster” – EW
“I enjoyed doing stained glass window art” – AW
“I enjoyed doing hockey with sports leaders” – AD&SB
“I enjoyed doing rugby at sports leaders” -CH
“We have been researching a scientist that we chose to learn more about” -DB
“I enjoyed rugby at sports leaders and afterschool club” – KLG
“I enjoyed bike-ability” – KC 


A busy week in Primary 7. On Monday we participated in a 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day then created some eye catching stained glass window artwork to display around school (photos of the finished pieces to follow!). In maths the Hexagons and Pentagons began a block of work on Order of Operations. They learned about the acronym BODMAS and create some helpful posters for their jotters to refer back to when carrying out their calculations.
In Sports Leaders this week we evaluated our first activities then began our second activity rotation.

Week 2

Week 2 Reflection

“We have been learning about Sir Alexander Fleming” -KC
“I enjoyed doing time in maths because I enjoyed colouring the matching clocks” -JL
“I liked writing an information report on Alexander Fleming” -SP
“I enjoyed doing bikeability” -EM
“I enjoyed playing rounders in sports leaders” -CH
“I have been learning about reading bus and train timetables in maths” -HC
“We have been solving word problems in maths” -AW
“We have been improving our dribbling and tackling at sports leaders” -KS
“I enjoyed doing my maths scavenger hunt” -DC
“I enjoyed learning everything about time in maths” -HD
“I enjoyed using book creator in ICT to make a story” – DB
“I enjoyed doing hockey at sports leaders” -LA
“I enjoyed play leader training with Amy” -IT
“I enjoyed converting time in maths” -KLG

Sports Leaders
This week was the last week of the current activity rotation. Next week pupils will evaluate their progress and move on to their next activity. Over the past 3 weeks I have noticed some super leaders within the groups, great team work and some lovely words of encouragement between pupils.

In maths this week, one group worked on their formal multiplication and challenged themselves to some very large numbers, demonstrating great application of some of our metakills  – initiative, sense-making, leadership and adapting! Keep up the good work, folks!!

Term 2 – Week 1 Reflection

We have had a busy first week back at school with lots of learning about Halloween and the excitement of bonfire night. P7 have shared what they enjoyed most this week and what they have been learning.

“I have enjoyed doing halloween art” – DC
“I have learned how to tell the time” -DB
“We have been researching scientists” – IT
“our new topic is living things, I liked learning about MRS GREN” – JL
“I enjoyed doing a Halloween mosaic in maths” – LA
“I have been multiplying 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers” -HC
“I have enjoyed learning about the scientists Orville and Wilbur Wright” – KS
“I enjoyed my day of the dead art” -EM
“We made day of the dead art” – LL
“I liked writing a poem about bonfire night using figurative language” -EM
“I enjoyed bikeability and rounders at sports leaders” – CH
“I enjoyed all of the Halloween art activities” – KLG
“I enjoyed hockey at sports leaders” – KC
“I liked football at sports leaders” – KS

Great work in week 1, Primary 7!

TERM 2 – Week 1

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back into class this week and hear all the October holiday news. 🍂 🎃

A few updates/reminders for this term:

  • PE continues on a Monday morning. Please come to school in kits and bring school clothes to change into afterwards.
  • Sports Leaders – continues on a Wednesday between break and lunch. Please come to school with PE kits in bags to change into.
  • Homework for this term is as follows:

Thank you,
Miss C & Miss R


Primary 7 have been reflecting on term 1, thinking about what we have been learning and what we have improved on since the start of term. This is some of their views:

“I have improved at my times tables” – DC
“I have learnt how to do formal sums in maths” – EM
“I have learnt to calculate the area of a square, triangle and rectangle” – LM
“One thing I have learned this term is how to dribble better in football” – KS
“I’ve got better at maths this term.” – MM
“I have learnt how to calculate the area and perimeter of different shapes” – EM, HC, LA
“I have been learning to be safe online” – KLG
“I have improved in maths” – DB
“One thing I learned this term is how to stay safe in or out your house” – EM
“I have got better at area and perimeter” –  AA
“We have been learning about Operation Safety” – LP and AW
“I can find the area of a triangle” – SP
“I enjoyed going to Operation Safety and learning about it” – AG
“One thing I have learned this term is the area of a rectangle/triangle” – AD
“My learning about safety has improved” – JL
“Something I have enjoyed is the pirate game” – CH

It has been a very  busy term in Primary 7.
Enjoy your October  holidays! 😊

WEEK 8 – 07.10.24

Today, P7 travelled to Dumfries to attend Operation Safety, a whole day event consisting of a variety of workshops ran by professionals from various emergency services e.g.
– The Scottish Ambulance Service; learning how to help a casualty by checking their ABC (airways, breathing & circulations)
– The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; learning about the dangers of open water and fireworks
– Scottish Power; learning how dangerous electricity can be when used incorrectly
– DGYouthWork; learning about the dangers of smoking and vaping
– Police Scotland; learning about the importance of online safety.

We all had a great day out and enjoyed sharing our learning from class in the workshops.

A big thank you goes out to all involved in the organisation of this event!

WEEK 7 – 30.9.24


This week we started the prep work for writing our persuasive writing pieces.
Group 1 were tasked with researching the topic “should school uniforms be banned” and were asked to pick a side – for or against.
Group 2 were tasked with researching and determining their opinion on the topic “should every S1 pupil be given an iPad for use throughout their high school education”.
Both groups worked really hard to pick out 3 strong arguments for their chosen point of view and have completed their plan ready to begin their writing next week. We used the meta-skills collaboration, critical thinking and integrity to complete this task.

I can’t wait to read their finished pieces of work. Well done, P7. 👏🏼


Homework for Weeks 7 & 8
Spelling – TASK 1 –
Pupils should write 5 sentences each week in their jotter using their spelling words for the week. These will be written in at school and brought home.
Spelling – TASK 2 – Play Sumdog Spelling for a minimum of 15 minutes throughout the week to practice their spelling words.

Operation Safety Trip is next Monday (October 7th). The bus will collect us at 9.30am and and we will be returned to school for 3pm.  Please ensure your child comes to school in school uniform, with a waterproof jacket, water bottle and their packed lunch (unless stated otherwise). Thank you!


WEEK 6 – 23.9.24

Maths Week Scotland

This week for Maths Week Scotland, P7 took part in various maths related activities. These included the Sumdog National Maths Week Scotland Challenge, finding out about how maths is used in real jobs and applying this knowledge to think about what maths will be needed in jobs we are keen to explore in our futures as well as a virtual escape room. Please find some photos below.

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LITERACY – 24.9.24

This week in P7 we learned about palindromes. These are words or phrases which can be read both forwards and backwards.

We looked at lots of different examples of palindromes before looking at a very powerful poem by Brian Bilston called Refugees  which linked nicely to our class novel this term.

First we read the poem from top to bottom and were shocked at how negative and unkind it was. We then read the same poem but this time started at the bottom and worked our way to the top. It blew our minds how the whole essence of the poem suddenly changed and we were relieved with the message it now portrayed.

Check out our video to hear the poem for yourself.

P7 Palindrome Learning.mp4

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Over the last two weeks we have been working on note taking and the skill of summarising. We listened carefully to Ahmet’s story of his journey to the UK in our class novel, took notes then created these fab comic strips to retell the main points in our own words. Don’t they look brilliant! Well done P7!!

More pics to follow!!

HOMEWORK 📚       17.09.24

Hi all,
P7 were issued with spelling homework today (sorry this has taken a little while to put in place, we have been waiting on the delivery of our new spelling workbooks and so have been doing spelling assessments and revision for the past few weeks).

Homework for the remainder of this term is as follows:

  • Pupils will complete one unit of their spelling over two weeks during class time. Each week they will write down half of their units words in their homework jotters to bring home to practice.
  • For the remainder of this term we would like the children to try to write 5 quality sentences using 5 (or more, if more than one of the words can be incorporated into a sentence) of the words – unless stated otherwise in jotters.
  • Please encourage your child/children to use high quality vocabulary, connectives and correct punctuation when completing sentences.
  • Homework must be handed in by Friday each week.

Thank you for your support and co-operation!!
Miss C 😊

🎨 ART – 11.09.24

This week we were inspired by our novel study to draw exotic fruits after the protagonist searching high and low for a pomegranate for the ‘boy at the back of the class’.We started by creating pencil line drawings of our chosen fruit before using watercolour paints to add colour and tone to make the fruits appear more 3-dimensional.
The 3 main meta-skills that we agreed we used and developed today included: Adapting, Creativity and Focusing.

More photos of the finished products to follow!

✏️ WRITING – 10.09.24

We started a block of learning this week on persuasive writing by looking at and discussing examples of persuasive texts then learning about the acronym AFOREST. This acronym helped us to remember and identify the key features of this text type – alliteration, facts, opinions, repetition/rhetorical question, exaggeration/emotive language, statistics and three (the rule of).

The meta-skills we linked to our learning today were: focusing, collaborating and critical thinking.

⭐️ Welcome to P7 ⭐️

Hello 👋🏼 and welcome to P7 with Miss Clendinning (Mon-Wed) and Miss Rodger (Wed PM to Fri).

We are thoroughly enjoying getting to know everyone and have lots of exciting learning opportunities and experiences planned for the year ahead. We are really looking forward to working with you this year to help your child achieve their full potential and prepare for their transition to Dalbeattie High School.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or queries via the email addresses below, as well as any wider achievements that we can share with the class and wider school community.

Miss Clendinning (Mon-Wed) gw11clendinningfiona@glow.sch.uk

Miss Rodger (Wed – Fri) gw18rodgershauna@glow.sch.uk


META-SKILLS – 19.08.24

Last week we were introduced to Meta-Skills. These are the set of skills that we are all born with, which can be developed and transferred into all walks of life.

We were learning why it is so important to develop these transferable skills to support us in life, learning and work in the future.

We will have a big focus on these skills this year and will be linking them to our learning throughout the year.


Amidst assessments this week, P7 have given their brains a kick back into gear by working together on various maths games and challenges.

Today we completed a problem solving challenge with a partner to find out who owned the crocodile. 🐊 After completing the task we revisited our meta-skills to see which ones we thought we had used. We were so surprised to see just how many we had used, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration and adapting.


As part of our ongoing novel study of “The Boy at the Back of the Class” P7 have been looking at techniques writers use to enhance their work and engage their readers.
This week we have been revising some figurative language techniques that we had been introduced to in earlier school years, such as metaphors, alliteration, similes and onomatopoeia, as well as learning 3 new figurative language techniques: personification, hyperbole and idioms.

We worked in groups on Monday to sort statements and phrases into the correct headings and today, when introduced to idioms, worked together to find as many hidden idioms as we could in the image known as “the idiomatic man”.

It was hard work but our knowledge of these techniques is growing and we are getting better at defining and identifying each type within a piece of text.

How many idioms can you find?




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