P5 Miss Dooley and Mrs Harris

💙 Welcome to Primary 5! 💙

December 2024 Wider Achievement

Ellie and Scarlet took part in the Ultimate Dance Effect awards show and all the girls got a medal and certificate for their hard work over the year.   Both girls did very well and had lots of fun!  Well done girls!

Layton and Mitchell, along with their teammates, played at a Christmas football tournament in Kirkcudbright. Both boys played amazingly.   Their team won most goals scored and won the tournament with a very intense final, with Layton getting the goal to win, and getting player of the match!  Well done boys!

10.11.24 Gymnastics Success 🤸‍♀️

Niamh was at a gymnastics competition on Saturday and she placed 4th on the floor and 2nd on vault. She is absolutely delighted by her achievement and we are all very proud.  Well done Niamh!


Layton played in an U9 and an U10  tennis competition last weekend. He played 11 games and won all 11!  All his hard work is definitely  paying off.
He has recently been training with Tennis Scotland and has been asked back to train with them every month at the Oriam Sports Performance Centre  in Edinburgh.  He had his first training session last week and really enjoyed it.  We are all very proud of you Layton!


Meadow And Eilidh completed the Junior Hardrock challenge with some great results.  Well done girls!


Layton was playing tennis last weekend in the border cup at Peebles. This is a team event D&G v Borders. Layton was playing up an age group, he played well and won all 5 matches. Borders edged a tight win over D&G.  What a star!

➕➗ 23.9.24-27.9.24 MATHS WEEK SCOTLAND ➖✖

Last week we took part in lots of different activities for Maths Week Scotland.

These included a Sumdog contest, an online lesson and lots of active maths.  P5 are currently obsessed with chess!

When we took part in the previous Sumdog D and G contest we did really well and got a visit from Sumdog himself!

August 2024 Our Class Charter 📜

We have been working together on our class charter.  We looked at the Rights of a Child, discussed and picked out those we thought were important to us in our class.  Then we discussed and voted on our top 6.

We then designed our own posters in groups.



Last Sunday the P5 Stewartry rugby boys took part in a rugby tournament in Dumfries.  They played really well and won all of their games!  What a team!


Meadow competed in a gymnastics competition at Cumbernauld on Saturday. Although she didn’t get a place, she showed fantastic resilience after she had a bad fall on her beam and still found the courage to get up and complete her routine. We are all very proud of her 💙.


The Dumfries and Galloway Sumdog contest start today!  We will be doing some in school but homework is set today for over the weekend and into next week to do as much of the Sumdog contest as they can…..coin rewards available for those that do! 💷

Sumdog  link to Sumdog


Our class photographers have been very busy over the past 2 weeks documenting all the different things we have been doing….


Niamh won the 8-11 year old shield at the Dalbeattie produce show. Her entries were a Lego creation, a vegetable penguin and a painting of a gymnastic.  What a talent!


Olivia sat her Grade 1 Ballet exam just before the end of term and had to patiently wait 8 weeks for results.  She was delighted to receive her High Merit result just before the start of P5.  Well done Olivia 🩰!

Please send any wider achievement to gw08dooleyclare@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

26.09.24  HAPPY MONDAY 😊

We have had a great start to our first term in Primary 5.

This morning we started the day with some quiet work at our desks and then some activity time.

Our activity time allows us to learn to play and work together and work on skills such as cooperation, listening, talking, turn taking and team work.

Here are some photos of us during our activity time.


Layton and Mitchell travelled to Sunderland On Sunday to play in a football tournament. They won all the group stages with some great football being played and winning the final on penalties.  Well done boys! ⚽

Please send any wider achievement to gw08dooleyclare@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

Believe and Achieve

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