P1/2 Miss McMyn

Term 3  part 1.


Some of our art displays.


After learning about kilts during topic we had a go at weaving. Look at our neat work – it took a lot of concentration.


We are learning about weather and how it impacts us. We have also learned how to measure and record temperature and rainfall. We  kept a record over three days.

Farm to fork

We have been learning about where our food comes from. We investigated where milk comes from and how it gets on our cereal.

Health and Wellbeing

When learning about good hygiene and the importance of washing our hands, we conducted a fun experiment. We sprinkled pepper ‘germs’ in water and when we touched the water with soap on our fingers the ‘germs’ ran away. This is a great visual to learn the importance of soap.

Topic/ Art

Inspired by the Scottish artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh, we designed our own Mackintosh roses.


We are learning to subtract this term!


As part of our ‘Scotland’ Topic we taste tested different Scottish food. We loved the Irn Bru! It was the first time tasting these food for some of us.

P.E with Mrs Gray

P1/2 have been learning to balance, jump and roll using different body parts. They are showing resilience and creativity coming up with different sequences and preforming them to others.

Week 1 term 3

This week P1/2 have been learning about money. We are learning to identify coins up to £2, use coins to pay for items, count amounts and order coins. Next week we will continue our learning and circles/triangles will learn to use 1p and 2p to pay for items costing up to 10p. Rectangles will learn to make amounts to 20p using different coins.


Happy New Year! This week, in topic maths, the Primary 2s have been developing their skills of collaboration and curiosity while carrying out practical measurement tasks, using cubes as non standard units of measurement. Meanwhile the Primary 1s have been developing their skills of initiative while playing in the Post Office role play area by experimenting with working out the lightest and heaviest parcels and making choices about which results to record on the ipad.

Happy Christmas Holidays
p1/2 had a great last day of term 2. Church service, Christmas card making, then followed by a Christmas movie and a hot chocolate station!

Week 5/6

Building on our learning of Past and Present, we took a trip to see the old school. Mrs Howie was able to tell us about the different buildings and what they were used for. We learned a new word – granite. Although the old school is under construction, we walked around the outside and saw it from every angle. When we got back to the classroom, p1/2 compared the old school and our school. They came up with some amazing points!

We have been investigating our school as part of our topic ‘Past and Present’.

  • We took our learning outside to have a look at the building. As a class, we came up with adjectives to describe the school and wrote these down. Next, we used what we learned and wrote a description of the school.
  • The next day we looked at the school from a birds eye view using the demo lego model and a map. Then we used the Meta skills collaborating, creativity and communication to work as a team and build our own models. Look how impressive our models are!

We have been learning about states of matter and dissolving. As a class we conducted an experiment where we used our prediction skills. We learned that not all substances dissolve, some dissolve quickly but change the water, some need  help (stirring) and some take time.  Thank you Logan for capturing our learning.

We tested, salt, sand, coffee and a hard boiled sweet in water.

Some of our literacy and numeracy tasks (we have been so busy we forgot to take pictures).

For topic we have been learning about past and present technology. Miss McMyn brought in her Dad’s collection of old and new phones.

We discussed the differences and how technology has changed over time. P1/2 could identify new features added to phones and use this to put the phones in a timeline – such as bigger screens, touch screen, flip phones, audio connection, keys and buttons. We had great fun looking and pretending to use real phones!


P7 play leaders did a fantastic job organising and delivering fun active games for us for P.e. We used our listening, team work and fitness skills.

Week 4

This week we have been developing our knowledge on Victorian schools through our topic ‘Past and Present’.

  • We have learned Victorian playground games
  • compared how school is now and then
  • applied our knowledge and used it in role play in the open area.


Lots of learning taking place in the Open Area


WE continued work on measure, applying our skills of curiosity and logic. We used handspans (Primary 1 ) and paperclips and cubes (Primary 2) to measure different objects.

It was book week this week. We choose our favourite characters and applied the writing skills we have been learning to write a descriptive piece. Ladybirds choose a book from our library and copied an illustration from it using their drawing skills. We took time to explore our new book bags.


Week 3

14.11.24  This week in topic maths, we began a block of work on measure. Primary 2s have been using their skills of creativity and collaboration to measure larger classroom objects, using non standard units (feet and handspans) while Primary 1 have been exploring the language of measure and have been ordering items in order by length or height in Education City.


Week 3

Well done P1/2 for helping raise money for Children in Need.











Some pictures of our reading and phonics work.

We loved watching and taking part in the panto Pinocchio.

This week as part of our topic ‘school past and present’ we learned about Victorian schools. We looked at a Victorian classroom and compared it to our classroom. We then sorted images into past, present or both using a Venn diagram. We are glad school has changed, we don’t like the sound of some of the punishments!

Week 1/2

Bonfire art work

A snapshot of some literacy and numeracy activities


Halloween art

———term 2——-

Week 8

**Please check Homework bags as resources have been updated**

What a busy week with sponsored walk, photographs and Out Door Learning. P1/2 demonstrated critical thinking and creativity when taking part in tasks during our Out Door Learning session. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and learned lots about measuring, ordering, sorting and numbers.

Week 7

Thank you to those who contributed to our cardboard collection. In line with our topic (People Who Help Us) P1/2 were given the challenge to plan, design, and create a vehicle for an emergency service as a team. We shared our plan to the rest of the class.

Collaborating  was the main Meta skill we were focusing on but we managed to link others such as creativity and adapting. I heard lots of great ideas being shared, leadership roles being taken and good communications between team mates.  Well done P1/2!













Maths – Mrs Howie

Primary 1 and 2 have taken part in some fun outdoor learning activities, building on their knowledge and understanding of 2D shape in their maths work. We have been playing a ‘buzzing Bee’ game to consolidate our knowledge of hexagons and their properties. We have been singing a pentagon song while we passed a ball and learning a new ‘Octagon ‘Stop’ rhyme. These activities were planned to take place during Maths Week Scotland but were delayed by one week due to rain! The Primary 2 pupils demonstrated their leadership skills, in helping to share learning with Primary 1s. We have all been using the meta skills of collaborating and curiosity.

Week 6

Maths week Scotland

We love active maths lessons! This week was Maths Week so here are some pictures of the activities we get up to in our numeracy lessons in p1/2. We also had extra maths activities in the Open Area and read some books about maths.


Maths and ICT

P2 have been demonstrating resilience, focusing and sense-making when learning to log on to the laptop then log on to Sumdog. P1 have been learning to use the iPad; putting the code in, opening the Sumdog app and using their QR code to get on to their account.


Week 5

As part of our topic ‘People Who Help Us’ we took our learning outdoors. We learned about different emergency services and how/when to contact them. Next P1/2 were set a challenge as a team to create an obstacle course for the ambulance to get to the 999 emergency. We had great fun demonstrating skills such as

  • collaborating and communication with our team
  • creativity
  • adapting to others ideas and thoughts
  • critical thinking for problem solving
  • focusing on the challenge

In each group one person had the difficult task of getting the Ambulance to the emergency. The other two were police officers reporting at the scene.

Week 4

Literacy and numeracy work in P1/2


In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about our families and how they are all made up of different people.

We discussed what we thought ‘home’ meant to us and took some notes. We then went outside and created family portraits with various materials and shared who made up our family.  Article 9


Week in Primary 1/2

We have all settled in really well to our Primary 1/2 class.

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