Category Archives: Whole School

Scots Poetry Assembly

At assembly today we heard the winners from each class reciting their Scots poem. The teachers swapped classes this morning to carry out to the final judging process. All the teachers said what great morning they had and really enjoyed meeting a new class and listening to all the poems. Everyone had tricky judging decisions to make as everyone had done so well.

A huge well done to everyone across the school for learning their poems this year and having a go. This isn’t something everyone enjoys or finds easy but we are proud of each and everyone of you for trying your very best.






Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 9.2.24

It was great to have the children back in the hall today for assembly after a couple of missed weeks. In assembly today we spoke about work that many of the classes have undertaken this week about online safety. I was aware of the great work that had been going on in the classes and wanted to encourage the children to share their wider knowledge about staying safe online. It was very impressive how much the children knew and could share with each other about being safe online. They could tell me about safe passwords, blocking inappropriate content, not talking-to strangers online, not giving away personal details and appropriate dialogue in online chats. We did touch on age limits for games and online platforms such as Snap Chat and TikTok and parental checks on phones and devices. Well done to everyone who contributed to the discussion in assembly today.

Awards were back once again and it was great to see so many achievements form across the school. We have had lots of confident individuals reciting their Scots poems this week, being reliable and kind, putting in great concentration to work, showing good listening skills in the gym and being committed to leaning were all reasons for awards this week. Congratulations to everyone.

I will look forwards to next weeks assembly when we will hear from the class winners of the Scots poetry competition from P1-P6. Class judging takes place next Friday in school.

Touch of Tartan

What a great day celebrating all things Scottish. The classes have all engaged in a range of cross curricular learning activities today. These have included tasting different traditional Scottish foods, creating a graph of favourite food tasted, designing tartan, creating kilts,  learning about Scots musicians and singing Scots songs. There was also lots of highland dancing in P1 and P1/2. Thanks Miss Kirkpatrick for teaching the children some new dance skills.

Miles from Dalbeattie High School also came across and played the bagpipes to all the classes. There was a great  sound echoing throughout the school from the pipes.

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Touch of Tartan

Children throughout the nursery and school will be participating in a range of Scottish themed activities on Thursday 25th of January.

Children can wear a touch of tartan to nursery or school if they would like. This may be a piece of tartan ribbon, a tartan patch on a t-shirt, tartan trousers, kilt  or skirt. These just a few suggestions.

Thank You

Assembly and Awards

Today in assembly P7 pupils Emily, Katie D ,Katie H and  Isabella presented the outcome of our Vison, Values and Aims review. They were confident at sharing their report to the whole school.

We are now waiting on our logo being finalised by the graphics team for us. We will share completed update in due course.

VVA report back assembly (1)

Head Teachers Awards were given today for lots of worthy reasons as always. Some of the reasons included, learning and applying new mathematical concepts, enthusiasm for reading and summarising the story, excellent initial ideas in art for a Tam O Shanter picture and showing enthusiasm for learning in all curricular areas. Well done to all our award winners this week.


K’Nex Kits

Last term our Parent Council donated £1100 to the school and nursery. This provided £100 per class. Class teachers agreed to use half of their money to purchase  a range of K’Nex kits to support learning. The kits are linked to and will support learning in science, technology and engineering.  We hope to see the children working co-operatively in groups when using the kits too. Next year we hope to be able to enter the K’Nex challenge organised by our local STEM team that can lead to participating in wider competitions.

P4/5 helped me with the unpacking and organising of the kits into different storage boxes. We had a test run with the kits too.

The nursery have yet to decide on how to use their money.

Thank you to our Parent Council for your donation that helped us  to fund these kits.

Fun 31

Fun 31 started again this week. Children are consulted on what they would like to do and great range of play opportunities provided. Can you spot those that enjoyed Lets dance? Some pupils created origami fortune tellers. There was sewing starting in P6/7,bingo in P4 and 5. Karaoke was also taking place with Miss Scott. Scooters with Mr Caldow were popular too.

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 12.1.24

Today we held out first assembly of the new year. We looked at the SHANARRI wellbeing words and what these mean to us at Dalbeattie Primary. The P7s will be sharing these with classes next week and there will be a wee competition linked to them for children  to take part in. More information about this will follow in due course.


H- Healthy.

A – Active.

N- Nurtured

A- Achieving


R- Responsible


Head Teacher’s Awards today were given for some of the following reasons super sounding skills, great progression in reading, being neat tidy and organised, being a responsible citizen and showing confidence in maths and identifying a range of angles.