Category Archives: Whole School

Fairtrade Footballs now in school

We are delighted to introduce Fairtrade Footballs at Dalbeattie Primary School. With money raised from our Primary 5 Fairtrade Games Event and from our Fairtrade Breakfast, we have bought twenty new Fairtrade Footballs. Thank you to everyone who attended these events! Primary 5 pupils have already been practising their ball skills with our new footballs.




School Council News: RNLI Fundraising Jars

On Friday 11th May, the school councillors launched their fundraising campaign for the local lifeboat station at Kippford . We had a  visit from  Mr Keith Armstrong Clark who gave us a  wonderful presentation about the work of the RNLI. He showed us the kit which a RNLI crew member would wear in addition to lots of interesting video clips to see the range of boats in the RNLI fleet and the types of rescues which the RNLI can get involved in.  We also found out how much the kit and boats cost in addition to being reminded about being safe near water. Mr Armstrong Clark also brought us some super leaflets to remind us of this. We also welcomed volunteers from Kippford Lifeboat station.

The school councillors have now distributed small jam jars (one per family) to fill with 5p coins. When full, a jar will hold between £2.50 and £2.65.  We have had 12 full jars in already…well done!  We would like all jars to be returned as soon as they are filled and  we would like them all back in by the end of September 2018.

Very soon, Primary 4 will also be visiting the lifeboat station at Kippford as part of their learning about the Galloway Coast.