Category Archives: Whole School

Easter Church Service 2019

The school has just held its annual Easter Service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. After a welcome from Mrs Duncan, Primary 7 pupils re-told the Easter story followed by singing from the William Heughan Choir before the service was ended with some words and an Easter blessing from the minister Rev Fiona Wilson.

Head Teacher’s Awards and P7 Burns Winners

Here are today’s Award Winners. Also at Assembly, we celebrated the achievement of the Primary 7 Burns Club winners. We had recitations from Katie Mein and Joy McCall who were first and second places in the poetry section. Ruari Webster was in 3rd place. We also appreciated the art work from Willow Caldow, Kerri O Dornan and Myah Forster who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the art competition to depict a scene from Tam O Shanter. A group of ladies were also recognised for their achievement in coming third in a walking competition in which there were 400 entries. Well done to all!

S3 Producers Market

The High School’s S3 Producers Market was a great success and the Primary School was delighted to be involved in it too. We are very grateful to all the support for our hampers. We had such an array of wonderful donations for each of our class hampers. A super sum (TBC) was raised for school funds.  It was also great to see participation from some of our classes who had made items to sell at the market. Primary 4 made bird feeders, Primary 1 /2 re-wrapped shortbread in their own gift wrap design and Primary 3 /4 made Bunny Bag Treats. (Sorry no photos from the Bunny bag stall where items sold out so soon- However pictures are in a separate blog post.)  Well done to Mrs Houston and her team in Dalbeattie High School who made this event such a success. See DHS Facebook page for more pictures.

Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation Assembly

On Friday 15th February we were joined at our assembly by Sandy Jamieson from the Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation. Sandy provided us with an update on the work of the foundation and shared his experience of a recent trip that he had made to Malawi to experience first hand the work of the foundation. A cheque was presented to Sandy on behalf of the school with this years sponsor money for our young person Joshua whom we support through he foundation.

Further information on the foundation can be found on at


on the foundations Facebook page.

Active Travel Breakfast

On Friday 15th of February we had an Active Travel breakfast in school. This breakfast was organised by Katie from ibike and Sue from the WOW project. We were also joined by Strider the WOW project mascot.  Dalbeattie Primary School are participating in both projects and want to encourage as many pupils as possible to travel to school in an active way. Over 100 pupils attended for breakfast on Friday. Well done all those active travellers. Keep up the fantastic effort.