Category Archives: Whole School

Potted Sports

Today, the whole primary school has enjoyed a fantastic day of potted sports in glorious sunny weather. The children have been in mixed age house teams as they moved round stations, which were led by the P7 young leaders and included a variety of activities such as the sack race, parachute games, fitness dancing, golf, underarm throwing, orienteering, space hoppers, hurdles, hockey, curling, football, relays, skipping and rugby passing team games. Our thanks go to Mrs Gray, yet again, for organising such a successful event. Our thanks also go to Ross Herrick and the High School Sports leaders, who have all helped too. At the time of writing, it is not yet known who will win the house shield. Last year it was awarded to Dalmun.

Awards 31.5.19

On Friday 31st May, we had our assembly in the Heughan Hall due to rain bringing the Queen of The South Football Coaching indoors to our own Primary Hall. Once more, we had many very deserving Head Teacher’ Award winners. We were also treated to a display by some of our recent gymnastic finalists. Also exciting was the presentation of certificates to our winners of the Horse Riding Competition.


D Day Poppies

Remember how, at the old school, we sowed poppies to harvest the petals for the Remembrance Service in September 2014 in Colliston Park to mark the 100 year anniversary of the start of WW1? Well today, they are starting to bloom again, just in time for the 75th anniversary of WW2 D Day. Soon, we will be sowing more seeds in our new school grounds and hopefully they will be blooming later this year.

Eco Schools 6th Green Flag Celebration Event

On Friday 17th May 2019, Dalbeattie Primary School held a special event to celebrate the renewal of its Eco Schools green flag- now the 6th awarded to Dalbeattie Primary. Because our feedback from Eco Schools had highlighted the good partnership work we had entered into with parent helpers, local organisations and businesses, it was decided that we would share our success with all who had been involved. One special invited guest was Finlay Carson MSP who had highlighted the school’s eco work at the Scottish Parliament. We are very grateful to Mrs Houston and the Hospitality Department at Dalbeattie High School who prepared and served some wonderful refreshments which included green flag topped cakes! Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie are both very proud of the eco committee’s participation in the event and are also very grateful to Kate Howard, Musical Director who led contributions from the William Heughan Choir who performed two eco songs. This was in addition to the two songs which the whole school have been practising in recent weeks. Thank you too to all our invited guests for coming along to share in our celebration and to Mrs Murray for overseeing the invitations. Thank you also to Mr Parker who went to new heights to display all  6 of our flags and for suspending our paper mache Earth!



Cash For Kids High School’s Superheroes Fundraiser

On Thursday 16th May, Dalbeattie High School students, under the ‘wonderful’ leadership of Mrs Houston organised a ‘Superheroes Fundraiser’ in aid of Cash For Kids. The Primary children brought in money to buy cakes and to take part in a whole host of activities which included ‘Beat Banana Man Goalie’ and Superhero Photo-Booth. An exact total is to be confirmed but it believed that the amount raised was well over £200. Thank you Mrs Houston, aka ‘WonderWoman’ and your team of Superheroes! We would like to thank all our parents and children for supporting this very worthwhile charity.

Awards 26.4.19


Today in awards, we had many deserving recipients of Head Teacher’s award certificates for excellent work and effort. We also celebrated the super role models which the Primary 7 football team have been this week. We also presented certificates and prizes to the Library Mascot Winners and runners ups.  Well done to all:

PRIMARY 1-5 SECTION : Runners Up: Erin Styles, Sophie Pennel, Darcey Frew, Ebony Maxwell, Calum Hall Winners: First : Ebony McMorran, Second: Mylo Farrimond, Third: Archie Ross, Fourth equal: Amy Adams, Fourth Equal: Katie Dickie   PRIMARY 6-7 SECTION: Runners Up:Lucy Simpson, Reece Latimer, Amie McKerrow Winners: First: Jennifer Taylor, Second: Anne Keeley, Third: Eve McCall